Israeli Civilians & Full Auto Weapons

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Aug 15, 2003
Richmond Tx, CSA
Here in the US its illegal to own a full auto rifle/submachine pistol without jumping through hoops to get a Class III license and then paying outrageous prices for the weapon.

But I've always seen pictures of Israeli civilians (schoolgirls even!) with M-16's or AK variants slung over their shoulder and wonder if those are the full auto version.

If so, kinda begs the question as to whether their citizens are more responsible than ours and why we can't own automatic weapons. Hell, the bad guys seem to be able to get them :banghead:
A person does not get a "license" for CIII weapon. You pay a "tax", hence the canceled stamp on the botton of the paperwork. Sort of like that clip vs magazine thingy. All the same, if you want one and have deep enough pockets CIII items in TX are available.
The situation in Israel is what we fear will happen here...the people actually need those weapons over there. Their gov't is not oblivious to the reality that every other Middle East country doesn't like them.

We should be able to have them so we never will need them. :uhoh:
Yes, most of those weapons (AK-47s. M16s, Galils, and Uzis) are the full auto version.

However, these are not owned by the people carrying them, they are the prppeerty of the govenment and may be taken back at any time. Some of the folks you see are soldiers on leave. Othrs are reservists, although this is now becoming rare. In some cases, security details in settlements are issued such arms.

Are Israel's citizens more responsible than the US's? Well, a much hisgher percentage of Israel's citizens have been through the military, and I guess it could be argued that that engrains a certain amount of responsibility. However, of course the general answer is no, of course not.

Private ownership of firearms is much more prevalent in the US.
However, so is demonization of firearms.
Having lived in Israel for 9 years I can tell you the following:

1. All Israeli citizens serve in the Israeli Defense Forces (well, almost all) so they are trained and qualified in FA weapons.

2. Most Israelis Don't carry any weapon at all, it's mostly the people who live in what the terrorists call the "occupied territories".

3. After men get out of the mandatory 3 year conscription, they are required to serve in the reserves untill they are 55 or no longer medically cleared. These men keep gov't issue weapons, uniforms and ammo in their houses, and need to be ready to report to war within 24 hours of notification.

4. There is still mandatory registration and licensing to carry firearms, but it is just pretty easy to get. The Gov't over there is actually fairly liberal in most ways except for defense issues, and the labor party is the one that has the "good ol' boys" mentality as opposed to the GOP over here. Wouldn't suprise me if in 50 years or so after things quiet down there and terrorists aren't a threat, the israeli gov't may make stricter laws regarding private gun ownership. There is no 2nd amendment there, they don't even have a constitution.

I hope I could clear a few things up for everyone reading this.
~Z. Davidoff
With "rampant" FA weapons ownership everywhere, I wonder what the crime rates and firearm-related deaths are like in Israel, not counting those terrorist related of course. :rolleyes:
The Swiss have the same type of set up. ALL adult males MUST have a assault rifle, 20 hi-cap mags, and 500 rounds of ammo. Sounds like a fun place to live.

I heard the same about the Swiss during a conversation about sig's new 556. Supposedly every adult male is getting one along with training & ammo. Sure would be neat if that could be done here (ha).
A person does not get a "license" for CIII weapon. You pay a "tax", hence the canceled stamp on the botton of the paperwork. Sort of like that clip vs magazine thingy. All the same, if you want one and have deep enough pockets CIII items in TX are available.

The "tax" is a pretense, and the law was only phrased in terms of taxation because at the time this was the only way the New Deal socialists could get around a conservative judiciary. It is in effect an archaic form of registration and licensing. The weapon and owner must be approved. It ain't just a matter of paying a sales tax :D You only have a prayer of owning one in the US *IF* you have enough money to buy an approved firearm with a paper trail and *IF* your local LEO's and the feds give you the approval. The system in certain Scandinavian and Central European nations is less bizarre, if ultimately just as intrusive. They do have the advantage of having access to more modern fully automatic weapons, whereas US collectors and shooters are stuck with an aging pool of machine guns thanks to Bush I's import ban and BATFE red tape.
Deleted by me, to be highroad'ish

The mandatory military service does make the people more responsible, as a whole, so the FA-s can be trusted. Here most people try to avoid military service (the avoiding it is a honorable thing and people brag about it how they got the paper from a doctor so they don't have to join that "kindergarten", military is considered boys with guns), I wouldn't trust them with guns. I wouldn't trust them the car even, IMHO
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