It's started in NY - Refusing to Register Guns

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Sandy Hook

Maybe you are tired of hearing about it but it did us in for sure.
One problem that we have is that we have nothing as poignant to refer to in order to bolster our position. We were shouting "2nd Amendment" and they were burying dead children.
They also have that blood on their own hands.

Lack of support for mental health.

Gun free zones.

Ridiculously long response time of the police.
The government will spend millions trying to confiscate weapons and millions more on any proposed "buy back" program. Most of the guns (74%) turned in in these buybacks turned out to be stolen. So the crooks got a free "no questions asked" pass to sell their booty. Talk about laughing all the way to the bank! I agree w/ Harry, that's why we had a revolution. To hell with the King's men! Let's spend more money we don't have enforcing laws we don't need...and seeding civil unrest in the process. Paving the way for the enactment of the NDAA and martial law. They've already got a bed ready;)
Think they will go door to door and pick em up?

They're not coming for your guns.

At least not in the way people like to think they will.

It's already happened elsewhere, we don't have to guess how it will happen here.

All they have to do is make them illegal and wait. Over time, they'll chip away at the folks who don't turn them in or register their guns. A little at a time, one here, one there, so there's no obvious point at which those who are non-compliant feel like their collective backs are up against the wall and might be spurred to organized resistance.

Someone turns in an enemy, a wife spills the beans during a divorce, someone's kid says the wrong thing at school or at the doctor's office or to a buddy. Somewhere there's a paper trail that turns up a gun that should have been surrendered. Someone has a house fire and the authorities find illegal guns in the ashes. Someone gets careless and gets caught at the range with something he shouldn't own.

They have all the time in the world. Why bother risking lives and resistance by doing a door-to-door? Waiting works just as well if you're not impatient.

They will eventually get them all and with very minor effort.

In the meantime, those non-compliant folks who wouldn't give them up won't be able to rationalize any advantage in keeping their guns. What's the point of having a gun you can't use in self-defense or to hunt, or even to shoot? The only option would be to hide it away and never use it again on penalty of getting caught committing a felony. For all their non-compliance gained them, they might as well have turned them in before the grace period expired and taken the pittance offered.

There's really only one logical "line-in-the-sand" moment, and contrary to popular opinion and oft-repeated slogans, it isn't "when they come for your guns" because that's never going to happen.
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Maybe you are tired of hearing about it but it did us in for sure.
One problem that we have is that we have nothing as poignant to refer to in order to bolster our position. We were shouting "2nd Amendment" and they were burying dead children.
Problem is, we're all burying dead children.
Sandy Hook ddn't just affect people who don't like guns, it affected everyone.
The difference is that we are smart enough to realize that new gun laws aren't the answer.
What will truly be funny is when some of the LEOs in Upstate refuse to go along with NYC lies.
Canadians were successful in resisting the government mandate to register their firearms until the government just gave up on their expensive boondoggle.

I believe the final number was something like only 13% of gun owners in Canada registering their guns?

So, it's not impossible and no revolution was required.
Registraitions will be slow but they will happen as more and more folks get in line like they are told.

Face it, nobody is really going to protect their gun rights by an armed rebellion, they will cut away the right little at a time like theyve already done.....look at nyc, look at existing magazine and "aw" bans already complied with.
In fact, loudly advertising one's intentions is a good way to put oneself on the radar, to be made an example of.

Which might be their intentions in the first place. A little game of "who will blink first". See if the state actually has the stones to come and try to steal a citizen's property or otherwise invade their privacy unjustly, giving the citizen reason to forcefully resist.
The bad thing is the gun ends up confiscated either way you go.

You don't register they find it. It goes to the government. You register it and it goes to the government after you die.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Hunterdad Said; I'm part of the AR " in" crowd here in Central NY and this is definitely the consensus. I'm not sure my stand on it yet. <snip>.

I hope this doesn't sound too preachy, but you'd better get sure of your stand and decide what your plan(s) are pretty soon. To quote "After the whistle blows is no time to come up with a game plan".

Reloadron said; What the hell did Cumo expect? Did he expect tens of thousands of gun owners to just roll over?
Yes, having come from the Upstate NY area I can tell you that the boys in Albany look out their window, and see NYC in the distance with a bunch of "flyover" country in between.
manitouofthehatchie said;The government will spend millions trying to confiscate weapons and millions more on any proposed "buy back" program.

Millions of taxpayer oppress taxpayers. Nothing like funding our own shackles. Then again, the Gov't can't really dig any deeper into my pockets, there's nothing left in there but lint. (and boy do I wish I was exaggerating)
I hope this doesn't sound too preachy, but you'd better get sure of your stand and decide what your plan(s) are pretty soon. To quote "After the whistle blows is no time to come up with a game plan".

+1. Civil disobedience is an important tool, but it can't be the only tool. Personally, I'd be talking to a lawyer about a class action suit against the state of NY concurrently with any planned acts of civil disobedience.
"What the hell did Cumo expect? Did he expect tens of thousands of gun owners to just roll over? Cumo is an idiot and an idiot with higher political aspirations than just Governor of NY."

Cuomo won. He played to his Democrat party base and all the guns the Left wants first shall a) be eliminated b) registered or c) their owners made criminals formally overnight. To the "progressives" it's a win-win and ANOTHER win if someone defends their Constitutional rights and they can be made to look like the radicals on the front page of the NY Times.
Imagine a holiday weekend when the state police are out in force to give speeding tickets, since that's what they do on holiday weekends. Imagine that a huge Internet-driven wave of drivers deciding to all hit the freeway and drive 80mph for a designated five minutes on a Saturday afternoon. Now imagine the state police falling all over themselves trying to ticket everyone. I have a lot of respect for LEOs generally, but this would simply be outside their capacity.

If every NY gun owner simply forgets to comply with Cuomo's dictatorial law (yeah, I know the legislature passed it, but it's still Cuomo's baby), what will the police across NY be able to do about it?
If every NY gun owner simply forgets to comply with Cuomo's dictatorial law (yeah, I know the legislature passed it, but it's still Cuomo's baby), what will the police across NY be able to do about it?

imprison them one at a time.....
its really all about securing an election. they might come and actually take all our guns. but chances are they will milk it and act like they are doing something to secure as many elections as possible. the liberals are going to have a huuuge advantage in the next election by telling all the braindead voters that by continuing the battle against guns will keeps their kids safe. who can lose an election with that statement?
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