Jelly Bryce Book Buy

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Apr 15, 2004
I'm going to try and see if I can get enough interest to get another printing of "Jelly Bryce Legendary Lawman" ran. I've talked with the publisher and they need around 300 orders to make a run. For anyone not familiar, Jelly was an OKC detective turned FBI man who was pretty handy with a gun.$46932

There are no new copies floating around and used copies are running several hundred dollars.

Looks like cost would be $30 plus shipping from the publisher

I'm trying to get the word out and get it organized, I'll also run as a POC for the publisher but plan on having the books paid for through the publisher and shipped directly to the buyer.

If you are interested let me know and spread the word to anyone you think might like a copy. I've gotten ~100 orders so far and once it looks like we will get close to the numbers needed I'll get in final discussion with the publisher.
I received a call from the publisher today and they are doing a run of this book in the next couple weeks. If you are interested you can backorder on their website and they will ship when it is available.

The link to the book is here:

It is going to be a paperback and should cost about $27 delivered.
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Just a heads up.

The link is to the hard cover, it'll check out as the hard back at $36. Turner will send you an email that they are printing a paperback that'll be $27 and ask if you would like to order it instead.
The link is to the hard cover, it'll check out as the hard back at $36. Turner will send you an email that they are printing a paperback that'll be $27 and ask if you would like to order it instead.
Thanks for helping me spend $27.00. ;)
Ordered a copy today. :)

I would like to see "out of print" books about the Purple Gang from Detroit brought back. The ones that are out there are very expensive.
I thank you also.

Turner wants too much information via the web. I'll try Monday via voice. We'll see.


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