Jim March just finished Filming "the debate show"

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They blinked!?


I've been staggering all over the capitol today sweating that this piece o' crap was gonna show, and they *backed down*?

Gawd. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Maybe they figured if the show is getting bad reviews and earning poor ratings, why risk a lawsuit when they are probably gonna pull the plug on the whole thing soon anyway? The relatively small amount they'll lose by keeping a produced show "in the can" and never airing it pales in comparision to the legal fees involved in defending a lawsuit.
OK, it isn't on. Picking on a vegetarian is what's on right now. Not very funny.

At least I don't have to waste a tape on this! :barf:

Check this out - go here:


That URL is what happens when you pull up the Comedy Central schedule for the evening of 8/26 and hit "show info" under "Crossballs" - on the right side you get "Episode 115: Pistol Whipped".

In case they change it later, here's a PDF snapshot of the same page, attached.

Assuming you've got this in a web window via the link above, trying hitting the "Go to Pistol-Whipped America" link, just below the show's entry.

I just clicked that, got a "file not found" error.


Now go to:


Pull down the "PAST EPISODES" listing.

What's NOT there?


"Pistol Whipped".

Ohhhhh ya. HELL ya. Excuse me while I go do the giant gun nut happy dance :D.



OK. Next step is to see if they want the whole controversy to go away. I'm willing to take down the "fiasco" page for a promise that this thing really is dead.

And then there's just one more teensy issue.

Actually, 200 issues.


The $200 in travel expenses I'm still out :p. I want it. I'll go to small claims court if I have to.
I just ran across the show on Comedy Central before reading Jims post above and here is what I found. The show "pistol whipped America" is scheduled to air tomorrow at 10:00am pst. Atleast that is what my Tivo says and also my satellite guide on DirecTV. I have it set to record so we will see what happens tomorrow. I really hope they change it.
According to the program guide on my dish receiver, they supposedly aired it last night. Can't confirm though, as I VERY seldom watch anything on 'Comedy Central'.

Same old smarmy elitist drivel in virtually everything they produce, so I do my BP a favor and 'click' right past it.
I've been lurking on this thread since it started and watching for the show to be run.

Looks like they decided to cut thier losses and avoid litigation. The 1pm show today was, again, the vegan rerun, no "Pistolwhipped America", no Jim March, and no money sucking lawsuit.

So far, it looks like Jim can chalk up one in the "win" column.:D

I'll keep an eye out, but, odds are they knew they were too exposed to air the episode. Sure hope I'm right!

Don in Ohio
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