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John Ross review of novel "Enemies Foreign and Domestic"

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Who are your friends and family that they would be offended by a few short sex scenes in a book full of explicit accounts of (mostly premeditated) killings of government employees?

I have very strange family and friends. :D

I can't figure it out, either. :confused:
I've been aiming to get a copy of EFAD for some time now. Can someone tell me where to purchase it? Thanks.
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Several sources, GunWares. A quick search on THR's Gen Discwill get you to the author's home page.

Personally, I wanted a signed copy + Matt likely gets a bit more $ himself than you going through a distributor - just a guess though. All in favor of that & even kicked in a coupla extra $.

Assuming the book lives up to its e-excerpts, I'll order a few more for friends & such & tag on an extra $ or so- well worth it to support such.
Thanks Labgrade! Naturally, they get cheaper the more you buy. And you're right, some of the wholesale deals I made for distributers mean I hardly make anything per book on them. But it's a lot easier making two phone calls and selling 15 boxes of 16 books each at once than handling them individually!

I read through the excerpt on the website, before I even got halfway through, I ponied up the money and ordered a copy of EFAD. Then finished the excerpts. Seems awesome!

You probably should start the book back at the start when you get it. I did a little name changing and editing between posting the excerpts on website, and printing the first and then again the 2nd print editions.
Finished it this weekend, got it Friday in a box from 'lifelibertyetc.com'.

Good read, plausible premise, believable action.

I'll be passing it around to friends to read.

John Ross-get busy, man! lol

Travis-good job!
Matt, whats the chance, when I order the book(been wanting to for some time)that I could get an autographed pic(the one of you in the jungle)with it?
Just curious....Its a cool pic.
Just ordered one from lifelibertyetc since I also wanted to get some "peace through superior firepower" pins.

I thoroughly enjoyed UC and eagerly await Detour. Everyone's certainly entitled to their own opinions, but the complaints about the "sex" are unreasonable to me. The most graphic parts (rape and slave escape) were integral to the motivations of two lead protagonists.
Thanks for the review John! My copy of EF&D arrived today and went onto the bookshelf to read after I finish UC, which arrived last week :)
Lord Bodak: Sounds like a great opportunity for a "compare and contrast" UC and EFAD thread after you read them both!

And don't forget, Boston T. Party's book "Molon Labe" is due out any week, I believe.
Actually that picture of me with the MAC-10 wasn't taken in the jungle, but in the wilds of Fort A.P. Hill Virginia about 1982. I don't have any copies of it, it was just scanned from a copy of the Navy magazine All Hands, where it appeared in an article about SEALs. (A Navy photagrapher's mate followed my platoon around for a few days.)

If you or anyone else didn't order a signed book, but wants a signed postcard-sized EFAD cover reproduction for a bookmark, just email me at [email protected] and I'll send them to you.

And I'll be at the SHOT Show, booth 929, sharing a table with Accu-Shot if anyone's heading that way...

John, thank you for the review and doubly thank you for your book UC. I read it several years ago as it was "prescribed" by my physician. He said that I should get everyone that I know to read it. I've been doing that for years now. Doctors orders. Best. Watch-Six
While I will eventually buy something from DVD,I will probably purchase my copy of EFAD from the author's site
No matter where you get it from, I'll send you (or anybody) a signed postcard-sized cover reproduction as an EFAD "bookmark."
I order'd my copy today. I can't wait to get the book. This is going to be a fantastic read!

On another note, I nearly leaped out of my chair, when I saw that Detour was coming out. I can't WAIT!


"time to feed the hogs"
I have started EFAD and so far it is a very good read.

I think that in the future you are going to see more of these "end-of-civilization"/revolution/armed insurrection-type books on the best-seller lists, only in those versions, i.e., the ones approved of and marketed by corporate America, the revolutionaries will lose and America will be saved by either a strong ruler enforcing martial law, or by foreign "allies" who will assist in rebuilding efforts with the U.N.
just finished

i can only say thank you for writing the book..a great read.....was enjoyable from start to finish....keep up the good work...now starting mr ross's book...
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