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John Ross review of novel "Enemies Foreign and Domestic"

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Boston T. Party

Travis McGee, you mentioned Boston's new book is coming out soon. Do you (or anyone else on this board) know what his website is?

I loved Boston's Gun Bible, Unintended Consequences, and I've ordered EFAD.

Thanks for the rapid response. He'll probably get a couple sales tonight!
sch40: Boston's charging $25 cash for a signed Molon Labe first edition, S&H paid. The plot sounds interesting, very libertarian oriented, with Wyoming being the "Free State Project" that pisses off the fedgov to the point where they are going to intervene.

I hope somebody posts a review thread as soon as it's out!
Rock Jock: You'll for sure see at least one more, by me. "Domestic Enemies" will be set 5 years after EFAD in an even more screwed up and less free America.

I self published, becaue I knew it would be a waste of time to try to sell EFAD in liberal NYC. I always laugh and think that if Hollywood buys the rights to EFAD, the "militia" guys will be evil dirtbags, and the ATF agents will be handsome hunks who save the day.
Mountainclmbr: Thanks! I'm starting to do business with a company (Royal Publications in Denver) that distributes books to gun and outdoor stores. Someday soon I hope EFAD is sold in most gun stores across the country. Maybe you can mention at your local gun store that I'm interested in selling EFAD there? Huge discounts for cases, and so on.
It depends on the deal you make, but usually they pay for complete artistic control. One famous writer (Heminway or Faulkner?) said his policy was to take his book to the California line, heave it over, turn around and never look back.
Thanks Matthew!

Just received my postcards in the mail...thank you sir! The least I can do is suggest your book to my favorite local gunshop/gun book emporium. Looking forward to the EFAD sequel!

shoot straight,

Are you going to be selling your book in Del Mar this weekend? I want to get a signed one for my brother. Awesome book, BTW.


Rock Jock: I think you're correct about the mainstream corporate backed SHTF novels. In their version of EFAD, the "militia" guys really do the massacre, and the heroic ATF agents save America in the nick of time.

BTW, I'm working on the sequel called "Domestic Enemies," and it is much more of a "SHTF in a police state" novel than EFAD is. It's set 5 years later, or about 2010, roughly.

I'm not going to be able to make it to the Delmar "Crossroads" show this weekend. I have kids' soccer games and such.....
R'cd my auto'd - by the author himself (tada! ;) - copy a week back.

Read the book in two days & am impressed with the style, but frankly was somewhat disappointed due to the excellent previously posted E-cerpts.

No criticism intended other than I was hoping for further "neat stuff," which the book did give, but the character development somehow left me lacking as opposed to The Hook offered on-line.

Excellent read all-told & a highly recommended book.

Ya done good, Matt.
The sequel will be called "Domestic Enemies" and it will take place five years after EFAD. It will largely be set in an American southwest that is in the beginning stages of a Kosovo-style low level civil war, beteen the backers of a vision of "New Aztlan" and ordinary gringo Americans. Ranya will again be a main character.
yay yay yay!

Finished my copy of EFAD an hour ago. And I am so glad you refrained from tying it up with a soppy ending...even though you certainly made this girl cry a tear or two.

And by the way, mister writer man, stop messing around on the lists. Get back to work (insert sound of cracking whip here) Five years is waaaaay too long to make us wait for a sequel.

Hey, somebody made a comment about Ranya being a "virgin" and 21. Yeah, I know, I'm probably one of the few girly girls to read this book (so far) and though I winced at that, I totally know about the "untainted hero" thing. Plus, it's mostly a boy book, I know...

But kudos for making her intelligent, independent and full of whup-???, without robbing her of the feminine sensitivity that makes us ladies unique. Real women have a balance of integrity, intuition, passion, intelligence and fierce loyalty, and you brought that through beautifully with Ranya, leaning to neither the "hystrionic" nor the "hardass". Thanks for that. You and your other protagonists treated her well.

Look at the other action heroines the mainstream media's given us: The mom from Terminator 2. They had to pretty much turn her into a man to give her respect as a hero. And she's nearly certifiable, which is pretty much par for the course for armed women in mainstream media. And then there's Ducklips from Tomb Raider. Oh, please. Won't even SEE that crap. The token Matrix chick? A damp rag has more passion and personality. But they didn't want anybody to show up Keanu's effervescence, I guess.

Boys, when you're done with EFAD, don't be afraid to pass it on or recommend it to your lady friends.

One more note to Matt: Gunwhale. (my own daddy, god rest his soul, would kick my hiney if I let that slide). And thanks!
My copy of EFAD arrived on the Big Brown Truck Of Happiness today.

Am already at page 100-ish. Odds of sleep tonight are slim.

The sad part is that I've already read this far on the website, yet am oddly compelled to read it again rather than skip ahead to the bits I haven't read... :uhoh:
LUPINE (And Tamara)
One thing in defense of Ranya the 21 year old virgin: I didn't write her as a prude or a holier-than-thou. Her mother on her deathbed made the 13 year old Ranya promise to wait for marriage. This was why Ranya held out: loyalty to the oath she made to her dying mother as a young girl. And it wasn't easy for her to hold out...

Just wanted to point that out, in case you read it so fast (it's a fast reading book!) that that slipped by.
Mountainclmbr: So far I've sold almost 2,000 out of the 3,000 in print. A big chunk of the sales have been wholesale at about 250 books at a time. To me, they're sold! Of course, they may not have all reached readers yet.

Thanks for your comments about using it in civics class, that means a lot to me!

Simon: No, I won't be going up to the Orange County gun show. Next week I'll be at the SHOT Show, and that's keeping all of my attention for now!

I've met more than a few 21 year old virgins. I don't think it's as rare as some believe (especially among Catholic schoolgirls).

Travis, I really enjoyed your book, and I wish you much success with it.
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