Joined ProTell, the Swiss gun rights org

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Jan 23, 2008
I had signed up a while ago. Never got any confirmation, so I was surprised when a membership packet arrived at my door. I have family connection to Switzerland (my father was a German-speaking missionary there) and I appreciate its gun culture and arms liberality: even if not up to par with common perception of "a machine gun in every home", it's still one of the freest countries in the world, in that respect, and the Swiss are fighting to keep it that way. Thus, faced with similar enemies here at home, I was interested in showing solidarity with the efforts of the Swiss to hold back the tide of statism and European unionism as regards to the right to keep and bear arms.


I asked for information in Italian, since I don't read German and can barely make out French.

Swiss gun nut SWAG

"Swiss Gun Legislation"

"Changes in Swiss gun rights"


A little closer to home...
Interesting ! If the lliterature you showed had been auf Deutsch ( in German) I might have been able to decipher a lot more of it.
If you have learned anything from the Swiss people that might help in our struggle , please if possible, translate it into English and post it here. Thanks, Thor
I can only read and speak Spanish, and no I can't fake Italian. Is there any way to sign up in English and English language materials? If there is and I can get membership for $30 or less I'm on board.
Their site has an English-language setting, which says this:

There are no translations in english available. But you'll find some informations under the tab "publications" as well as all subscriptions under the tab "members".

Then, if you go to the "Members" section, you find this:

Do you like to support proTELL as a member or a donor ?

The inscription is easy. Select the suitable category in the navigation on the left an fill out the requested entries * into the form. The necessary documents will be sent to you by post.

So maybe they will send you stuff in English. IIRC the membership is free, but they do ask for a donation in your membership kit.
That's great they are fighting to keep their freedom just like us. Maybe one day there WILL be a world power and it will be run by the likes of us. :)
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