July 4th Fireworks and GUNSHOTS

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H&R Glock

Jul 30, 2010
Every year my neighbors celebrate the 4th by shooting up in the air at midnight. I live a mile out of town, but these numbskulls don't seem to know that they could possibly kill someone. Please make noise by using legal fireworks. Don't shoot off your guns!
I loved fireworks when I was a kid. They used to be cheap, but in my old age I find fireworks to be rather expensive. I found the cheapest fireworks available on the internet.
Just wet your lawn with the hose so you won't start a fire. These stay lit for 30 minutes and are just as pleasing as a 30 second sparking fountain. Cost is the same. Flares are fun.
I will be doing plenty of shooting during the day Wednesday but none after dusk, and none that isn't at a target.

Can't shoot any fireworks as we have power lines that run adjacent to our property.
If you must shoot upwards, shoot birdshot and be far enough away from your neighbors that when your geometry is off they don’t get lead rain.
Every year my neighbors celebrate the 4th by shooting up in the air at midnight.

I have heard of that on new years but never on the 4th. I have lots of ways to just make noise that are safer and cheaper than discharging a firearm into the air. For better or worse there is no intelligence requirements for firearm ownership.
Yep, shooting up in the air is not good.

Last year I found a .45acp 230gr plated bullet in the bottom of our pool! I’m sure it came from the “celebrations” on the lake our subdivision abuts. I’m just glad I was not outdoors at that time.
We get numbskulls in our urban area who shoot up in the air for the fourth and NYE every year... My house is up on a hill overlooking the inland empire valley here in SoCal, I’m fearing some low-watt gets loaded on booze, aims at our houses and takes out a window (or worse) on our cul-de-sac.

Leave the guns at home on the night of July 4th and NYE!

Stay safe!
I've been hearing a few gunshots mixed in with fireworks the past few days now where I live. I'm not too far from a sketchy area, even in the small town I live in. Mostly .22s and shotgun fire but every once in a while someone will break out their CF autos and mags they ain't supposed to have here and let rip, thinking people will assume they're firecrackers.
Don't fire in the air, not even blanks or birdshot. If a neighbour sustains any damage to their property and you were witnessed firing in the air, you will have a tough time evading the legal consequences even if you are certain you didn't cause that damage.
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