Just bought my daughter her first rifle

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Oregon Street

Mar 19, 2007
She's 11, and although her mom is very anti, I decided long ago that my little girl will learn firearm safety, learn to shoot accurately and be able to defend herself.

I was going to get a Chipmunk 22, but was talked in to getting her a Rossi Matched Pair. Pretty cool little rifle. Includes two barrels, one for 22LR and one for 410. I think Dad will enjoy it as well :D

I'm also getting her an NRA membership.

So am I the best Dad or what!
I shot one of Rossis triple threat once, came with 22, 410 and 243 barrel. Neat little rifle too. It was fun the eject the spent 22 with the break action. She should have fun.
Excellent. :) I hope you spend many happy hours together on the range.

Good choice. .22 to learn to hunt with and then remove varmints and a 410 for small game.
Your daughter is lucky to have you.

I just went down a similar path. Took my oldest son (12) shooting for the first time. He loves his CZ 452 Scout, and thought blowing up apples was the coolest thing ever.

I'm also getting .410 inserts for my O/U. Should be fun.
Hi Oregon,

I wouldn't go with "best Dad", that title has already been taken. Try responsible in the light you are willing to teach her the safe use of tools and perhaps generous in the light you are sharing your time with her.

When my Dad first started training me to rifle marksmanship my Gramps gave me his favorite rifle. A Marlin 39A .22 that is sooooo heavy! I found out later it is considered one of the best .22's Marlin made. (if that doesn't start an argument nothing will.)
What a dad!

I think it is great what you have done. My daugters are 10 and two and the 10 year old wants a "pretty little gun". The two year old sees them and just shouts "bang". I want my girls to learn how to shoot and care for guns. I remember days out with my dad growing up and they were the best. Hope you have lots of fun and great memories.

I started my daughter pretty young, and at age 6 she got her first rifle, a chipmunk. She's now 13 and just got an AR-15.

You've just started your daughter down an expensive but fun road.
Good for you! Make sure that your wife hears the two of you talking about shooting safety and how much fun you're having together and she might even get the idea it can be safe and fun to go shooting with the family also.
You're a great dad! I admire your respectfully standing up to your darling bride.

I bought my son that same exact Rossi gun combo when he was 5. He is 10 now and he shot that thing to death, literally. The firing pin broke on it. I need to get it fixed. I also bought a Chipmunk for my youngest when he was 6 years old (he's 8 now). I really think the Chipmunk is too small for an 11 year old. You chose well.
For a 12 year old, I'd pick the CZ-452 scout over a Chimpmunk/Cricket. It's sized right for a pre-teen and can still be used by an adult. It comes with a single shot mag insert, and can use 452 5 round magazines.
Original qoute by:Officers'wife
A Marlin 39A .22 that is sooooo heavy! I found out later it is considered one of the best .22's Marlin made. (if that doesn't start an argument nothing will.)

I highly dought you will get much of an arguement here. IIRC there at least 2 threads on the 39A right now. And it is said in both threads at least twice that it is said to be the best .22 ever made.

Back on topic, I will be getting a Pink Laminated Crickett .22 for my GF's 6 yo daughter(A.K.A. the Princess).
The Rossi 22/410 is a nice combo. Inexpensive, simple mechanicly, and easy to change out, perfect for a kid. I'll have to consider one for my niece.
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