Just got home from the hospital


Feb 14, 2007
NM- far south of I-40
No, I didn't get gunshot but just got the most complicated shot I have ever received. Now, what does this have to do with firearms? I am hoping to be able to to walk back and forth to the target boards without having to stop and rest or stand up and shoot for sometime instead of having to sit down every few minutes. I quit shooting on the rifle range because I held up things so long to walk down range and change targets and carried a folding stool to take a break shooting pistols. I hope that is behind me for sometime.
I had an RF ablation last week in the lumbar region. Second one, the first was June of last year. They sever the nerves in your back, so you don't feel the pain anymore. Basically it's putting off major surgery until surgery gets better. Sure was great for about 6 months. Hopefully, it's longer this time. Don't get old, folks, it's not for sissies.o_O