Kerry wants to APOLOGISE to terrorists, form alliances with them

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There isn't much that Kerry says which I believe. I can not believe mutually contradictory statements.

However, this I do believe because it is perfectly consistent with 30+ years of public policy statement and actions.

Electing any Democrat will mean an instantaneous end to the war on islamofascist terrormongers.
Does anybody really believe anything Kerry says regarding national defense?

Below is my list of weapons systems that Kerry voted against, that I am currently aware. He also was implicated in votes against funding our intelligence capabilities.

MX ICBM mobile system
Pershing intermediate range missile system which had the Soviets worried.
Patriot anti-missile system
Apache helicopter gunship
M1 Abrams tank, probably the best tank in the world.
Bradley fighting vehicle, workhorse of Army
F14 Navy fighter, workhorse of the Navy
F15 Air Force fighter, workhorse of the Air Force

If anybody knows of more weapons systems Kerry voted against, how about posting them here. Same applies for the ones he voted for. Bows and arrows are out scope. :D
Kerry's remarks were widely praised by journalists. The Associated Press headlined its report on his speech, "Kerry Vows to Repair Foreign Relations." The Knight Ridder news service noted that the new focus on foreign policy "plays to Kerry's strength." None of the major U.S. dailies found Kerry's unusually strident language at all inappropriate. "Kerry Vows to Change U.S. Foreign Policy; Senator Describes Steps He Would Take as President," the Washington Post headlined ponderously.
With the useful idiots in the fourth estate (and fifth column?) behind him, the media will continue to let us know how wonderful he is. What amazes me is how people continue to buy into this . . . stuff. :rolleyes:
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