Kid suspended from school for DRAWING a gun on paper?

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If it was my son, I'd be all over that school's principal, the administration and the school board. They would not enjoy it at all. 5 days to 3 days would not be acceptable under any circumstances. The principal would have to publicly apologize and my son's record cleared of the incident.
School systems around the country are as insane or worse. Take a look at my 12th Grade student handbook:

Inciting/participating in a Disturbance - Disturbing, preventing orderly conduct, or otherwise causing a disruption to the atmosphere of order and discipline in the school necessary for effective learning, other than classroom disruption.

First Offense:
Minimum - 1 day in-school suspension - 3 days suspension.
Maximum - 5 days suspension

Second Offense:
Minimum - 3 days in-school suspension - 5 days suspensionMaximum - 10 days suspension. School administrator or designee must telephone the Department of Pupil Services within two (2) days of the alleged offense to request an expulsion conference.

So we can disrupt the place where the learning actually takes place, but the halls and cafeteria are off limits? Bullcrap.
What's wrong with this picture? You can't have two minimums! If you have two, the lower one is the minimum! I love how my school is run by people who didn't pass Algebra.

Here's some more:

Firearms - Bringing or possessing any weapon, such as a rifle, gun, handgun, shotgun, loaded or unloaded, operable or inoperable, including any object which is a look-alike; or any implement which could cause or is intended to cause bodily harm. (See Policy JFDH for extended definitions.) (Each incident of this nature is to be reported to the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office.)

First Offense:
Minimum - 10 days suspension. School administrator or designee must telephone the Department of Pupil Services within two (2) days of the alleged offense to request an expulsion conference.

So, basically, you can get me for taking my pens to school? What a farce.

Other Guns - Bringing or possessing any gun, of any kind, loaded or unloaded, operable or inoperable, including any object which is a look-alike of a gun, in school or on school grounds other than a firearm. (See Policy JFDH for extended definitions.) (Each incident of this nature is to be reported to the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office.)

First Offense:
Minimum - 10 days suspension. School administrator or designee must telephone the Department of Pupil Services within two (2) days of the alleged offense to request an expulsion conference.

Yep. Those deadly paintball guns. You've gotta get those guys before they make the school pink and neon green!

Other Weapons - Possessing any implement which could cause or is intended to cause bodily harm other than a firearm or other gun. (See Policy JFDH for extended definitions.) (Each incident of this nature is to be reported to the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office.)

First Offense:
Minimum - 5 days suspension.
Maximum - 10 days suspension. School administrator or designee must telephone the Department of Pupil Services within two (2) days of the alleged offense to request an expulsion conference.

Second Offense:
Minimum - 10 days suspension. School administrator or designee must telephone the Department of Pupil Services within two (2) days of the alleged offense to request an expulsion conference.

Well it's good to know that all of those heavy desks, textbooks, tables and fire extinguishers are banned from school. Along with all of those sharp scissors and pens.
I've seen full scale army assaults drawn on my kids kindergarten and 1st grade homework. So far haven't been called! He's in second grade now and plays FPS games almost as good as I do. I guess once they get older, the schools must figure the kids should know better. All in all pretty ridiculous thing over a sketch. It goes all the way back to the stupid teacher for not blowing it off in the first place.
Surely, no one expects any flashes of common sense/intelligence from the liberal dominated educational establishment now, do they?
Wow if they found out what I had in my Notebooks in school They would kick me out out of school forever.

And in the third grade,(Suprised at myself for remembering that far back:)) I drew a pic of a gun and all the teacher said was " STOP DRAWING ON YOUR HOMEWORK." She was a mean one:neener:
Wow, and I thought the whole "Fighting back is just as bad as starting the fight" thing I got suspended for(more than once) was bad. This people must REALLY be living off in bliss ninny lala land.
You lucky duck! I got suspended for not fighting back. Apparently, they don't have the brain cells necessary to determine who was throwing punches and who was holding their arms up in defense.
Well.... I'd say the kid got an object lesson that those in authority positions can be stupid or crazy. A real "welcome to reality" moment.
I taught school in Texas for three years after I retired from the army. I quite in disgust at the end of that 3rd year.

My teaching partner, who happened to be the wife of my shooting and hunting buddy, had a whole shelf full of "sanitized" history and science books that were 10% fact, and 90% liberal anti-gun, anti-hunting and anti-military.

She was a really nice gal, serious born-again Christian, kind of an airhead, though. Turns out she had bought the books at the insistence of the Unions' rep, and never even looked at them.
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