kids compound bows

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Jul 1, 2006
any good places to look for small kid sized releases arrow rests and armguards etc. shes a lil girl gonna have to work up to shooting and i wanna keep it fun so all advice and thoughts appreciated
poor girl is lifting weights right now to get strong enough to pull the bow. she needs to pull almost her body weight. i'm gonna get her a recurve. we can hunt right at home so i look forward to teaching her.
My son age 8 has been shooting a small bear compound , pull is just about 15# or so , he can pretty much shoot it all day , he is using it to learn the basics at 10 yards from the target.

Tried him with a recurve and he didnt like it as much , I think the let off from the compound had alot to do with allowing him to aim and hold without holding the full weight of the draw.

My oldest son , 15 , shoots a Hoyt GameMaster II 40# , and that is a lot for a youth to shoot , especially when target practicing for a few hours. It took awhile for him to build up to full draw.

online , check out Lancaster:
I would STRONGLY advise going to an Archery Pro Shop that deals in strictly Archery tackle if you are fortunate enough to have one close by.
The folks in such a shop will tend to things like draw weight, draw length and arrow fit PLUS shooting tips and other advice.
JTW jr. posted Lancaster Archery's link.
I live only 25 miles from this shop and it is in my opinion the greatesr Archery Pro shop on the planet Earth!

Here are a variety of Bear Youth Bows:

I gave my nephews already (aged 8, 6, and 3) a Bear "Brave II":

The 3 youth compound bows, in order of simplest/youngest, to more advanced, are the: Scout, Brave II, Warrior II.

And I have already purchased for them, to give to them in a few years when the oldest one is around 13 years, a true "teen" hunting bow, the Bear "Odyssey II":,7776.html?AFF=BASE
The bear scout is the one my middle son was shooting this past year , it is now being handed down to my 5 year old and am upgraded the middle son to a better bow. That Brave 2 looks like just the ticket , I am also looking at the Pro Genesis for him , that one would last him awhile.

My oldest and I shoot these:

We have hay bales in front of the shop , so we can just step outside to the side of the house and practice up to 25 yards.
thanks to all for the tips. i quit hunting years ago. my daughters sudden interest is very cool. gets me back in the woods and camping with her.
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