Last chance for Illinois members to act

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Aug 19, 2012
Folks, I'm not a political activist by any stretch of the imagination, but Illinois members of this board need to take immediate action and call their representatives in Springfield NOW. Today is the vote on Gov Quinn's Ammedatory Veto which would make illegal owning, purchasing, selling or manufactuing any AR, pistol grip shot gun, rifle with a "thumbhole" or magazine with greater than 10 rnds. There are additional items banned and the full list can be found also in this section.

Oh BTW, don't forget that fine arm manufactures such as Springfield arms and Rock River Arms are based out of Illinois and if the measure goes through, say goodbye to them!

Please go to the site and email or better yet call your representative today!


Yup, plan was for $25 tax per gun and $.05 PER BULLET including 22lr. Imagine a 550 round box of 22LR with $27.50 TAX. Crazy!

This was Cook County, NOT the entire state. Let's try to keep the information we post accurate.
Boy am I glad that my state is very firearms-friendly. My hopes are with you in IL that you can overcome this.
FYI Thanks to the efforts of everyone who contacted their state's representatives, Gov Quinn's Ammendatory Gun Ban Veto has been shot down in the Illinois Senate by a vote of 49 to 4! This is a big victory for the citizens of Illinois! There is still one last hurdle, the bill moves to the house and if it is shot down, the bill is formally dead!
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"Quinn's amendatory ban on 50 cal and semi auto rifles got shot down 49 to 4"

Hell yeah!
One question though.

On the off chance we enter some weird parallel reality where it DOES pass the house, it has to take a trip BACK through the Senate again before it goes before the gub'nor, correct?
The legislature has three options on an amendatory veto:

1) They can accept the governor's proposed changes with a simple majority vote in BOTH chambers and the changed bill becomes law.

2) They can override the governor's veto with a 3/5 majority in BOTH chambers and return the bill to it's original form, and the original bill becomes law.

3) They can do nothing and the bill is simply vetoed - or another way of putting it - the bill dies.

Now the Illinois House can either vote to override the governor's amendatory veto also, or do nothing and let the bill die. It would make no sense for the Illinois House to approve the governor's changed bill and send it back to the Senate, because the Senate's override vote still stands. If by some weird turn of events the House approved the governor's changes - SB681 becomes a dead bill.

The House will override the veto. The Illinois House came very close to getting a 3/5 majority for a carry bill. IMO, SB681 is really much to do about nothing, it was a bill that clarified online sales of ammunition from online stores based in Illinois. I personally never had a problem - I ordered ammunition from Illinois based ammo retailers, I e-mailed them a scan of my FOID and the ammo came via UPS. So I never thought SB681 really accomplished much anyway.

It's all just theater. Quinn knew when he tried to turn it into an AWB it didn't stand a chance of becoming law - but he gets to cow tow to the anti-gunners in his party and get a big pat on the back from LCAV & Brady, Rev Jesse Jackson, Father Phleger and all the rest...

Now the final act: Politicians who aren't willing to vote yes on serious RTKBA legislation will vote to override Quinn's veto so they can tell their pro-2A constituents how much they really are on their side even though they voted no for CCW previously.
Thanks for the clarification Count.

I'd never even heard of an amendatory veto before the Governor's latest theatrics, so I had no idea how this process would unfold.
A motion was filed yesterday in the Illinois House to override the SB681 veto.

Now is the time to contact your Illinois Representatives if you want this veto override to be successfull.

Also, the folks at follow the Illinois General Assembly proceedings very carefully every day, so if you just want to generally know what's going on with Illinois pro & anti 2A legislation you can go to their forum:
It is dead....for now

Just an update:


SB681 Bill Has Been Over-ridden By The House of Representatives and the Governors Veto!

Today, the Illinois House of Representatives has voted to over ride SB681 and the Governors veto. By a vote of 78-28-0, the bill is now considered dead.

SB681 as previously reported had to do with restriction of shipping ammunition to Illlinois residents.

Thanks to the Illinois State Rifle Association membership and gun owners throughout the state, along with the many phone calls made to legislators, we were able to stop this bill from becoming law.
Woohoo! Congrats to you folks living in Illinois! Just got the news a few hours ago. I hope things continue to go smoothly for you folks. I hope MD is next, I'm in Southern PA and travel to MD frequently so I know how much of a pain it is for you guys.
Quinn is right back out in the public trying to push his assault weapons ban. Write or call your state senator and representative and let them know you feel it's bogus and a waste of ink.

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It's all just theater. Quinn knew when he tried to turn it into an AWB it didn't stand a chance of becoming law - but he gets to cow tow to the anti-gunners in his party and get a big pat on the back from LCAV & Brady, Rev Jesse Jackson, Father Phleger and all the rest...

I think it was more an attempt to be relevant than anything else. He knows full well Speaker Madigan and Senate Pres. Cullerton want a AWB, he figured they might run with it and then he'd be a hero once it passed. But his meddling was seen as a intolerable challenge to their power, not to mention they like him just the way he is....powerless to oppose them.
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