Lefty Killed by a Lefty

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Dec 24, 2002
I'm beginning to believe the left is so anti-gun because they think everyone is as lousy with a gun as they are:

Lefty's Last Hunt: Dog Felled in 'Tragic Accident'

By Richard Leiby
Thursday, May 6, 2004; Page C03

Kennedy cousin and onetime Maryland legislator Mark Shriver has learned an expensive lesson about pheasant hunting. Rule No. 1: Shoot the pheasant, not the hunting dog.

Shriver's errant shotgun blast killed Lefty, a champion English springer spaniel, during a December trip to a hunting preserve near Gettysburg, Pa. After months of negotiations, the dog's owner, Kris Pederson, last week accepted $9,500 in compensation for the dog, according to two sources familiar with the matter. Pederson, a businessman from Freeland, Md., would not comment, but the sources told us he originally valued Lefty (official name: Mason Dixon's Left Wing) at $15,000 and Shriver initially offered $3,500.

"It was a tragic accident," says Shriver, who lives in Bethesda and heads literacy programs for Save the Children. He would not comment on the amount of the settlement, but told us, "I provided full monetary compensation. And it was a sad incident for me as well. I've known dogs my entire life and it was very, very sad."

The incident that felled Lefty, 7, occurred at a preserve called Hill Country, where Shriver hunted as a guest of a member. The hunting guide that day, David Roesler, a police officer in Baltimore County, told us he grew wary after Shriver "had a misfire" early in the hunt. Not long afterward, Lefty was flushing a bird when Shriver shot the dog with his 12-gauge, leaving a fist-size wound, Roesler said. "It just missed me," he recalled, but Shriver said, "That is not true at all."

Roesler, brother-in-law of Lefty's owner, rushed to the dog's aid. "I knew there was nothing I could do," he said. "It hit him in the rib cage . . . exactly where his heart is." Shriver immediately told him, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," Roesler said.

But the guide was furious: "There was nothing I could say. I was bawling my eyes out, I was so mad."

Asked whether he's an experienced hunter, Shriver, 40, told us: "I've hunted my entire life with my father and my family. We'll leave it at that."

Hill Country's manager, George Werner, called Shriver a "very sloppy" hunter who "did unsafe things." He said Shriver is barred from ever hunting there again.
In order to ensure that things like this don't happen again, look for a bill to be introduced that would make it illegal to have dogs accompany any armed individuals, except for police officers and their K9 Animals.

We MUST put an end to this type of sensless cruelty towards animals.:rolleyes:

The incident that felled Lefty, 7, occurred at a preserve called Hill Country, where Shriver hunted as a guest of a member. The hunting guide that day, David Roesler, a police officer in Baltimore County, told us he grew wary after Shriver "had a misfire" early in the hunt. Not long afterward, Lefty was flushing a bird when Shriver shot the dog with his 12-gauge, leaving a fist-size wound, Roesler said. "It just missed me," he recalled, but Shriver said, "That is not true at all." "...I have no idea how that car wound up in the Chappaquidick canal..."

Roesler, brother-in-law of Lefty's owner, rushed to the dog's aid. "I knew there was nothing I could do," he said. "It hit him in the rib cage . . . exactly where his heart is." Shriver immediately told him, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," Roesler said.

But the guide was furious: "There was nothing I could say. I was bawling my eyes out, I was so mad."

Asked whether he's an experienced hunter, Shriver, 40, told us: "I've hunted my entire life with my father and my family. We'll leave it at that."

Hill Country's manager, George Werner, called Shriver a "very sloppy" hunter who "did unsafe things." He said Shriver is barred from ever hunting there again.

Kudos to the voters of Maryland for rejecting this half-wit and his corrupt cousin Kathleen Kennedy-Townsend for higher office in the last elections.

There seems to be a very disturbing lack of respect for human life in the Kennedy clan, a streak of hard sociopathy that allows them to kill or maim innocent bystanders repeatedly, and just move on blissfully as if nothing happened.

If this halfwit had managed to "accidently" kill the hunting guide, that would just make him the latest in a very long list of Kennedy Klan victims.

BTW -Shriver is an ardent zealot in favor of gun control. It was a major part of his losing campaign for Congress.
"I've hunted my entire life with my father and my family. We'll leave it at that."

So, does that mean, "I've hunted a lot, and I've had plenty of near misses, but I'm not going to tell you THAT part."

No info on this specific article, but Richard Leiby through google brings up mostly the Washington Post.

Yep; I tried google also. No luck. I would like to see the original article.
Thanks for the input!

Be safe.
Kennedys? Why not a bounty?

Why does the public lionize these people?

Grand daddy was a bootlegger/criminal, their wealth never came from honest endeavor. His sons were womanizers, philanderers. drunks/killers (ted) and probably guilty of malfesance in office(bobby). Next gen includes dopers, rapists, baby-sitter boinkers, killers, and generally tacky people.

We all have our problems, but these dorks have had every opportunity and means to make something of themselves, yet so few have. They really aren't worthy of much.

Look out! It's coming this way!!
Unobtainium - No worries, just funnin' with ya. :D

I never noticed it before, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but is that white blur in the background of the Kerry photo a dog that's turning tail and running as Kerry mounts his gun?

It's all beginning to make sense now....... :D
Poor Lefty. :( (the dog, not Shriver)
At least the dog in the Kerry photo knows he's expendable and to get the heck outta there.

Maybe this is why antis dont like guns, because they cant handle their own guns responsibly and think the rest of us are equally moronic?

I'd have kicked him out after the first AD or safety violation.

I think it is interesting to note he has his thumb wrapped completly around the barrel. I'm thinking that should bode well when it comes to drawing a fine bead on the target...:rolleyes:

Then again, as I recall, he never did actually claim HE got the two or three birds that were shot that day.

...but that is not near a funny as watching him stop the Harley by dragging both of his feet on the ground. :p

Whadda dipschtick...

Then again, as I recall, he never did actually claim HE got the two or three birds that were shot that day.
Actually, the reporters claimed they watched as Kerry "blew two pheasants out of the sky in two shots."

As for Shriver, I'm not a supporter of any aristocracies, nor am I a supporter of the current Gov. of California who is married to a Shriver.
We all have our problems, but these dorks have had every opportunity and means to make something of themselves, yet so few have. They really aren't worthy of much.

They look pretty. For far too many Americans, that's good enough.
I wouldn't want to hunt pheasant with John Kerry. Next thing you know, he'll be telling everyone that you were cutting the beaks off of the pheasants, cutting off their heads, administering electric shocks by wires taped to the tailfeathers, burning pheasant habitat, blowing up pheasant bodies, shooting dogs...

Oh wait, Shriver's the dog-shooting one...
How do you ask a dog to be the last dog to die while hunting with the Kennedys?
After reading this thread,

I did what I had to do: I forwarded the original article to PETA. I figured Shriver and PETA deserved each other. They sent me a nice reply, too.

I would ordinarily never have anything to do those PETA kooks, and they're going to use it as additional evidence to try to ban hunting, but I figured there was a perverse justice in siccing them on a relative of the Kennedy Klan. BWAHAHAHA!!!

Subject: FW: Dog killed
Date: Sat, 8 May 2004 11:12:38 -0400
From: "Amy Black" <[email protected]> Add to Address Book

Dear Friend,

Thank you for sending us the article about this poor dog shot to death.
I've passed it on to the right person. Please see:
http://www.peta.org/factsheet/files/FactsheetDisplay.asp?ID=53, and:
http://www.peta.org/fp/hunt.html, for more information on hunting.

Thank you for your compassion for the animals.

Amy R. Black
Domestic Animal Issues and Abuse Department
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
[email protected]

Please include ENTIRE message when replying
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