Legal question about giving my parents a copy of my gun safe keys.

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Then there's "Art's Dumptruck Philosophy of Life": Decades back I figured that I'm wandering along, young and healthy and all that, minding my own business, and I get run over by some fool in a dumptruck. End Of Art.

That's why I had a will before I really had anything for an inheritance. It's why I carried life insurance.

And it's why my son knows where the spare key to the gun safe is kept.

If your parents aren't felons or otherwise not allowed by law to possess firearms (drug addicts, convicted of domestic violence, etc) and you don't live in a state like Illinois or New Jersey that requires you to register your guns and have some sort of FOID type card, then there is no legal reason not to give them a key.
Check you state laws to see if unlicensed persons are allowed to have access to firearms. I know where I live, it is against the law to allow a non licensed person to have access, even if you live with them.
Get your own apartment , Pay your own way. Then you too can make the rules for your home.

As for the post that the is a tenant and has privacy etc. The parents should evict him ASAP.

Nothing like complaining about living with Momma's rules while living at home after 21.:banghead: :banghead:
I like living life on it's edge. My brother, mother, and ex-wife have the combos to my safes. Seriously, for me it's merely a way to save a locksmith fee, in case something happens to me.
what hank b says

Give them a key that doesn't work.

If they confront you about it, you can ask "Gee, why did you want to access my safe when I wasn't there? Were you going to do something you didn't want me to know about?"

& move out, the $ saved isn't worth it
It's my belief that it is near impossible to establish a truly adult identity when you are living at home with your parents! If money is a problem you can still do it (if you're man enough-:D )! My first apartment was a dump. I had other friends who had 5 or more roomates to make ends meet. Of course I had parents that allowed NO privacy. My father wouldn't even knock on my closed bedroom door-just barge in with his "I'm the King here!" routine. Needless to say, I went away to college, spent only summers at home and moved out of my parents house the fall after I graduated. I'd live in a refridgerator box before I lived with my parents.
In my family it's fairly frequent to move(back) in with relatives. It's just that you don't want to do it for too long. So far I'm the only one to avoid having to for anything but temporary visits on vacation, yet. (Knocks on wood).

My brother ended up living with my parents for a while, then moved out, then went down to florida to go to college, was there for about four months before they could find a place that was decent and reasonably priced. It was only a couple months after he got a paying job, so it's not that big of a deal.

On the other hand, I have a uncle who spent 20 years with his parents...
He's pretty well known as a not-so-successful individual.

We tend to view staying with relatives better than going into debt.

As for the gunsafe, well, the owner of a full FFL can have employees do the bound book. He's responsible for it, but others can indeed use it. Don't be afraid to ask 'why?'. Does your safe take the circular soda-machine style key?

Of course, I trust my parents enough that they hold the spare keys to pretty much everything I own and my mother's on my bank account.
If they aren't as Constitutionally-minded as you and there's some interaction with the law (non-C&R), if they have a key there's nothing keeping Mom from saying,

"Sure nice detective, you can look in my son's safe, here's the key right here."

By having the key they implicitly can give consent to search without a warrant (the safe is in their home and they have access). Without a key the cops would have to produce a warrant to get it open without your permission, or at least would have to get a locksmith to open it.

Kinda worst case thinking but maybe something to consider.
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