Let's reverse the Cheney situation...

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If I wuz prez...

I'd carry a SERIOUS barbecue gun... A 1911A1, full engraving with some inlays...

As for Bush or Cheney... I'd wager that either could show up unannounced at a major target shooting event, gun show, whatever, and basically wander around with minimal security without incident.
Okay, Okay--can't resist anymore! Now, I would have understood more if--

if, instead he were hunting with Dan "Quail"--you know, the whole "birds of a feather thing" as a source of confusion. But, this guy's name isn't even close to the objective of the hunt.

It's late; I'm tired. And we are so obviously a bunch of characters! How can our wives tolerate us?!

f I were a major political player, I would not carry a firearm. With SS close by to assess and react to threats, my perrogative is to get out of Dodge. they are my guns. Me having a gun and wanting to elimiate my threats would be a hindrance to the people trying to protect me.

Even so... I would carry myself anyway.

Even if I were president or major political figure with the Secret Service or a bodyguard I would still carry, just to underline the importance of the RKBA. However, if something did go downhill, I'd get out of Dodge and let my protection handle it. I would not be interested in eliminating threats against me myself. I wouldn't want to have to protect myself when others are being paid to protect me. (But I'd do it if I absolutely had to.)
Well, here's one hypothesis.

Dick momentarily forgot he was carrying a shotgun, saw his 'dear' friend, confused 'dear' for 'deer' and squeezed one off.

<rim shot on the drum; pun intended :cool: >

But, back to the question.

"How do you determine in a milli-second the difference between a hunting accident or an attempted assasination? Do you have authority to shoot the hunting partner?"

Seems to me that a SSA wouldn't have time to get a shot off in such a circumstance. Why, I can't even tense a muscle in a msec, let alone get a shot off.

bogie said:
If I wuz prez...

I'd carry a SERIOUS barbecue gun... A 1911A1, full engraving with some inlays...

As for Bush or Cheney... I'd wager that either could show up unannounced at a major target shooting event, gun show, whatever, and basically wander around with minimal security without incident.

i'm not so sure about that. Bush and Cheney are well despised by the libertarians i shoot with. I can definitely see these guys giving Bush and Co a good verbal rip (and to be fair, i would too). All it takes is a unbalanced person of any political persuasion, and things could get interesting.
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