Letter to al-Qa'ida

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Thanks to those that served, Marine or other, but back to the original subject, please.

I read the story about the cowardly beheading and noticed that the group claimimg responsibility for it includes the name of their hometown. It's some little spot on the Syrian boarder that's been a PITA since the first troops got there.

So I'm wondering if the CO of the nearest Marine unit will pay that place a visit soon. You know, just dropping in to see if everything is as it should be and maybe bringing along arty, Harriers and tanks to be sure that all will be quiet by the time they leave there.

Never, ever underestimate the discretion a Dog Face or Marine possesses in the area of combat.

Battle of the Bulge the SS killed something like 200+ Americans in a most unsporting manner. It was a long time before any SS prisoners were taken. We like to think we play by the rules, but in combat civility and the trappings of civilization are thin. The veneer is easily torn off.
Waitone, we didn't have video cameras and a prying news media to deal with during WWII either.

If some type or un-authorized retalliation goes down in response to the supposed beheading, it might end up doing us even more harm if somebody with a video camera gets some images of it.

No one ever thought the pictures from the prison abuse scandal would ever surface either.
His suspected motives are not pure based on what his command has stated. However, a young Marine making a mistake in a fit of emotion and running off to visit family without permission is a far cry from what you (and his captor, with the help of the media) are suggesting. Like you said, this story is developing. Young devildogs screw up every day. Marine standards are high, so this is not exactly surprising. They don't turn traitor with enough frequency for this to even be remotely considered a possibility. Let the story develop.
OK, didnt mean for you to take my comment so hard, and I didnt mean to sound snide, I said the story was still in development.

But is making a mistake in a fit of emotion and running off when you are in a war zone not the definition of desertion?

Again, not trying to be a jack ass here, just want to know what the difference would be.

Also you say young devil dogs screw up everyday, but I would say not like this, and implying that they do seems kind of derogatory to those who are still in the fight.
This has already been discussed. Marines go UA for a number of reasons just like other service members. IIRC UA is the most frequent charge in NJP proceedings. The majority return to their units after doing whatever they set out to do (with good or bad intentions) and take their punishment, resume doing their jobs, and fulfill their obligations. Sure, 80% of those who serve in the Corps have perfect disciplinary records, but those who have a black mark are not necessarily less honorable. Some of my best Marines had screwed up at some point and got themselves in trouble that required disciplinary actions. Some of my worst had spotless records. This guy gets the benefit of the doubt from me until such time as it is proven that he is a deserter/traitor. Sorry if I jumped too high and landed too hard earlier. I have my own ideas about what the real story is, but will refrain from commenting further until the facts are known.
All my best to you and your's hoppinglark. Thanks for standing up.
If it was up to me to grant your request I'd say to take off the leash.
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