LGS Just Told me AR's Would Be Banned 2/1

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Hello everyone; I just registered, but I've been a lurking here for forever.

Anyway I would like to know this guys sources to make such a bold, and pessimistic claim.

Yes, and those who further selling at their opportunistic prices don't want the novices to realize that Gunbroker has had four full pages of SKS rifles for several days. Sure, they are not AR glamour queens, but they have the evil military looks and some features.

And many of the prices are not much higher than they were in early 2008-quite a while before the Emperor was elected the first time.
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Ive heard more misinformation from local gun shops in the last 30 years that i lost count. Dont believe everything that comes out of one, alot of them are less knowledgable than you think....
What is the name of the gun store in Huntsville, AL? Can't be Gander Mt? Not too many others but a pawn and tackle shop.
There are a few around, but your right there isn't that many actually in Huntsville. Several more if you stretch it out to surrounding areas.
Ive heard more misinformation from local gun shops in the last 30 years that i lost count. Dont believe everything that comes out of one, alot of them are less knowledgable than you think....

Things like the OP mentioned seem to go beyond simple ignorance (or stupidity) and into the deceit/manipulation/lies to-make-more-money category.

We are all, unfortunately, aware of how little many gun store employees (and even owners) actually know.
Thought that was who it would be. My wife had an issue with them about a year ago and will not set foot in there again. They tried to tell her that $50 and her Springfield XD 9mm for a KelTec PF-9 was cutting her a great deal as they probably wouldn't even get the price of the KelTec out of the XD.
Oh and the owner didn't care that they had tried that when I called and informed him a few days later.
Trust me, I have one in my area that is the same... He and I had a heart to heart about things. I have watched him fear monger people into buying things they did not want or need. He tried that with my cousin. He also had told everyone that his piece together AR's were higher quality than ANY brand sold to the public... Surprising that before the craze, they were Palmetto stripped lowers and DPMS uppers, who knows what part kit, and were priced at $699. He had a hard time selling to the usual AR crowd, until the craze and the influx of new people came in. There are two gun store owners in my area I believe, one of which is an old blue dog Democrat the other a retired Devildog. What I am trying to say in my usual long winded sort of way is: there are some good and bad employees/gun store owners. Just don't put too much faith in some of those telling you that sticks are going to banned , especially when they are the ones selling the sticks.
It's even more literal than just party lines. In 2009, 60 some-odd Democrat reps sent a letter to the WH and AG saying they will not support any new legislation. This has changed very little.

I pray that this is still the case.
Can not figure out how to upload this Youtube vid
This vid is about the banning of mags & assault rifles. Its an excellent video & has a link set up on it for you to write your congressman,senator & POTUS
Its very simple & takes about minute to do. Please watch,& if anyone can upload this vid? Feel free to give it it's own thread.
I asked Justin. He said its fine to put this vid in the General gun discussion forum. Thanks Husker

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Most of those sixty some Democrats are no longer in office. They were fed to the wolves by the DNC, possibly for this very letter. About a third are still serving.
If I had a dollar for every time I've had to bite my tongue because of something stupid I've heard someone say in a gun store I would have enough for a new AR-15

1. Mike Ross (D-AR): http://mikeross.house.gov/contact/
2. Tim Holden (D-PA): https://holden.house.gov/contact-me
3. Jerry Costello (D-IL): No longer in office
4. Jim Matheson (D-UT): http://matheson.house.gov/contact/
5. Sanford Bishop (D-GA): https://bishop.house.gov/contact-me
6. John Dingell (D-MI): https://dingell.house.gov/contact-me
7. Marion Berry (D-AR): No longer in office
8. Nick Rahall (D-WV): https://rahall.house.gov/contact-me
9. Gene Green (D-TX): https://green.house.gov/contact-me
10. Chet Edwards (D-TX): No longer in office
11. Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX): No longer in office
12. Gene Taylor (D-MS): No longer in office
13. Bart Stupak (D-MI): No longer in office
14. Collin Peterson (D-MN): https://collinpeterson.house.gov/contact-me
15. Harry Teague (D-NM): No longer in office
16. John Tanner (D-TN): No longer in office
17. Allen Boyd (D-FL): No longer in office
18. Dennis Cardoza (D-CA): No longer in office
19. Eric Massa (D-NY): No longer in office
20. Steve Kagen, M.D. (D-WI): No longer in office
21. Betsy Markey (D-CO): No longer in office
22. Paul Hodes (D-NH): No longer in office
23. Ron Kind (D-WI): https://kindforms.house.gov/contact
24. Peter Welch (D-VT): http://www.welch.house.gov/index.php...1476&Itemid=80
25. Leonard Boswell (D-IA): http://boswell.house.gov/contact/
26. Tim Ryan (D-OH): https://timryan.house.gov/contact-me
27. Walt Minnick (D-ID): No longer in office
28. John Boccieri (D-OH): No longer in office
29. Joe Donnelly (D-IN): http://donnelly.house.gov/contact/contact-us-form.shtml
30. Tom Perriello (D-VA): No longer in office
31. Earl Pomeroy (D-ND): No longer in office
32. Ben Chandler (D-KY): https://chandler.house.gov/contact-me
33. Martin Heinrich (D-NM): No longer in office
34. Debbie Halvorson (D-IL): No longer in office
35. Travis Childers (D-MS): No longer in office
36. Tim Walz (D-MN): http://walz.house.gov/index.php?opti...id=21&Itemid=7
37. Peter DeFazio (D-OR): http://www.defazio.house.gov/index.p...=127&Itemid=93
38. Solomon Ortiz (D-TX): No longer in office
39. Paul Kanjorski (D-PA): No longer in office
40. Rick Boucher (D-VA): No longer in office
41. Mike McIntyre (D-NC): http://mcintyreforms.house.gov/contact/
42. John Murtha (D-PA): No longer in office
43. Bart Gordon (D-TN): No longer in office
44. Zach Space (D-OH): No longer in office
45. Alan Mollohan (D-WV): No longer in office
46. Lincoln Davis (D-TN): No longer in office
47. Artur Davis (D-AL): No longer in office
48. Charlie Melancon (D-LA): No longer in office
49. John Barrow (D-GA): https://forms.house.gov/barrow/webfo..._subscribe.htm
50. Christopher Carney (D-PA): No longer in office
51. Dan Boren (D-OK): http://boren.house.gov/contact.shtml
52. Parker Griffith (D-AL): No longer in office
53. Charlie Wilson (D-OH): No longer in office
54. Heath Shuler (D-NC): https://shulerforms.house.gov/contact/
55. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-SD): No longer in office
56. Jim Marshall (D-GA): No longer in office
57. Jason Altmire (D-PA): http://altmire.house.gov/index.php?o...d=15&Itemid=38
58. Larry Kissell (D-NC): http://kissell.house.gov/contact/index.shtml
59. John Salazar (D-CO): No longer in office
60. Brad Ellsworth (D-IN): No longer in office
61. Frank Kratovil (D-MD): No longer in office
62. Glenn Nye (D-VA): No longer in office
63. Bobby Bright (D-AL): No longer in office
64. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ): http://www.kirkpatrickforarizona.com/contact
65. Joe Baca (D-CA): http://baca.house.gov/contact

Note the "No longer in office" after many names. I count 41 out of 65. 63% no longer in office.
I did my own homework, since you only looked up half the story. If you bothered to find out how many of those seats went to another Democrat, you might be surprised.

Joe Baca (stayed d)
Bright (flipped r)
Glenn Nye (flipped r)
Frank Kratovil (flipped r)
Brad Ellsworth (flipped r)
John Salazar (flipped r)
Larry Kissell (flipped r)
Jason Altmire (redistricted, flipped r)
Jim Marshall (redistricted, flipped r)
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (flipped r)
Heath Shuler (flipped r)
Charlie Wilson (flipped r)
Parker Griffith (turned r, defeated by another r)
Dan Boren (flipped r)
Christopher Carney (flipped r)
Charlie Melancon (flipped r)
Artur Davis (turned r, flipped back d)
Lincoln Davis (flipped r)
Alan Mollohan (flipped r)
Zach Space (flipped r)
Bart Gordon (flipped r)
John Murtha (deceased 2010, flipped r)
Rick Boucher (flipped r)
Paul Kanjorski (flipped r)
Solomon Ortiz (flipped r)
Travis Childers (flipped r)
Ben Chandler (flipped r)
Earl Pomeroy (flipped r)
Tom Perriello (flipped r)
John Boccieri (flipped r
Walt Minnick (flipped r)
Tim Ryan (after redistricting, stayed d)
Leonard Boswell (after redistricting, flipped r)
Paul Hodes (flipped r)
Betsy Markey (flipped r)
Steve Kagen (flipped r)
Eric Massa (redistricted, flipped r)
Dennis Cardoza (stayed d)
Allen Boyd (flipped r)
Harry Teague (flipped r)
Bart Stupak (flipped r)
Gene Taylor (flipped r)
Ciro Rodriguez (stayed d)
Chet Edwards (flipped r)
Marion Berry (flipped r)
Jerry Costello (flipped r)
Tim Holden (stayed d)
Mike Ross (flipped r)

48 changes, six dems took these seats.

STILL panicking?
One of the folks at a local shop told you............ That AR`s are going to be banned 2/1.

This un-known gets his "insider" information from Who? Hear say, just gets the villagers into any angry mob, holding their torches high, chanting .....we will fight to the end.
Facts win every time. B/S walks.
One could safely assume these dems lost their seats in the tea party sweep of the midterms. I view it as good news. However, it does not change the fact that we do not have 65 members of the Democrat party serving who signed a letter.
No, I would not rather. However, my original point was that the letter being discussed is a paper tiger. There are no more 65 Democrats serving who signed a letter supporting the 2A.

Is it generally better to have more R than D in the mix? Yes. But I frankly don't want to lull people with a false sense of security that there is a large block of Dems supporting us.

I think we are on the same side and sniping at one another over what amounts to a non-event. The letter, due to electoral results, is moot.
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