Looking for a back up gun

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Barry - there used to be a "holster" that you could carry as if it were a wallet and put in your back pocket. It was designed to hold a .32 ACP fairly securely with a small notch in the "hinge" for the barrel and holes for your trigger finger.

Nice, surreptitious way to get the drop on that mugger.
If you're carrying the Vaquero, I'd go with the idea of a revolver as BUG - but I'd nix the idea of a 642 or LCR.

If you're comfortable with SA revolvers, your muscle memory may keep your thumb looking for a hammer and slow you down when there isn't one.

I'd go for a S&W model 37, Ruger LCRx or an old Colt snubbie.

Now, I'll get flamed for suggesting a hammer'ed revolver for CCW, knowing full well that those evil hammers snag everything - and you'll never win in court if you use SA fire - and revolvers are so outdated you may as well use a Howdah pistol...

But now they'll stop complaining about using a SAA clone.

I kind of agree with you. I used to have an LCR and I really liked it, it had a great trigger. I have a S&W 637 now and I like it just as well. I have practiced drawing from holster concealed and drawing from pocket with it and the hammer snag issue is just as you implied, certainly no big deal.
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