Major Barf Alert: "Pat Tillman is not a hero: He got what was coming to him"

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you all need to check out the newest Sports Illustrated. there is a beautifully written article about Tillman in there. It brought tears to my eyes as i read it.

As to ol' Rene she is about to get a hellstorm from me!

Tillman is a HERO no ifs ands or buts about it!
Save your angry emails for another day.

The most excruciating torture for Rene Gonzalez and his fellow travelers would be to be completely ignored.
I have a hard time believing that Puerto Ricans are unpatriotic, selfish, and have no concept of sacrifice. This person is a disgrace to the Puerto Ricans I've known.
My ex-wife is Puerto Rican, She shed a tear for Tilman when she read his story.

Read this pinheads story again and you will see his problem. Notice his frequent references to macho, jocks , Rambo and several other references to things that make "real" men , "real men".
His problem is obvious. He was beat up alot in high school, He was the last one picked for dodgeball and the first one hit with the ball, He watched the jocks get the cheerleaders while he went home and listened to " Captain Jack" and Jackson Browne's "Rosey" ( some of y'all younger ones may have to think about that)
He was a spasmatic dork with Dr. Nerdcock glasses and Ross Geller's personallity. While the Tilmans of the world were working at becoming men he was working at hating them for all they were and all he wanted to but could not be.
The simple response would be that Pat Tillman got what Rene had coming to him (or her) and it's a damn shame.

He's not worth an email.
I believe a person should have the right to free speech....

I believe a person should have the right to their own opinion...

I believe a person should, if s/he has the means, should be allowed to publish his/her opinion....

...and I believe it's going to be downright entertaining to see just what this little lady's going to reap from opening her big mouth...:evil:

Sometimes silence is golden...:cool:
Rene is a guy's name (from Renato or sometimes Ireneo, or others still).
Renee' is the feminine form.

I managed to get a pointed response in before the paper's website went pffft. Typed it out and submited it. Got the usual e-mail notification and such, and a sort-of 'please hold while our editors review your submission'. When I went back hours later to check if my response was up, the site was already down 'due to heavy traffic'.

The paper can hide behind the 1st and 'journalistic neutrality' all it wants.
I agree that a homophobic or racist op-ed article would NEVER have seen print... so why was this piece of biased, hateful excrement given special treatment??
The first guy that walks up and punches this ******* in the mouth will also be a hero in my book.

:cuss: :fire: :banghead:

brad cook
A punch? I was thinking more along the lines of using him for target practice.

So I did:


I didn't really need to put target rings or a crosshairs on it, either.
I don't think I've ever emptied 6 mags of .45 ACP so fast,
and it gave new meaning to the phrase
"wiping that silly grin off".

Okay, the guy just emailed an apology to the Tillman family. In it, he states that the insensitivity of his article made it unworthy of being published.

End of story, as far as I'm concerned.

(OT: Hey, this is my 686th post! I just put a 686P on layaway, too! It was meant to be.... :D )
Man, this nation is really started to PRIZE and REWARD cowardice. When did being some kind of ultra baddass become a BAD thing anyways?
I recently returned from overseas. It's wonderful being back.

Tis why I was a wee bit surprised when I heard all the negative comments about some college student writing a piece questioning the status quo. This is America, challenging the status quo is what we're supposed to do. Do I agree with the student in question? No.

I swore an oath when I enlisted to support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. As for the previous comment that "The first person to punch Rene in the mouth would be my hero" and similiar comments... You worry me more than some college student with a big mouth. Anyone who carries out violence or even threatens to carry out violence against a dissenter is a enemy of freedom in my book. Yes, I know that emotion clouds judgement, but my argument still stands. This is my America, and I fight for all the freedoms not just the popular ones.

As for Tillman, my regrets to his family. I've known too many of my friends and fellow servicepeople that have passed on in the line of duty. In my mind, the fact that a soldier could throw a piece of bound leather very well doesn't matter. Thousands of families, especially those of Guard/Reserves, have had to deal with economic hardships because of the paycut of Army wages in relation to their normal job. I've known lots of people that have lost income, homes, businesses, whatever to go on year plus tours. Am I sorry that a grunt died? Yes, I am. Exactly like the 700+ other servicepeople that died in Iraq alone.

Every time you hear about ten grunts getting killed, realize that's ten families that will never see their loved ones again. If/when the war ends, and the yellow ribbons fade, those people will still be gone. That is the ultimate price.

Is Iraq is a just or fair war, or if so did it made America safer? Hell, I don't know. That's way above my paygrade. All I know is America is supposed to be the land of the free. "Freedom isn't free" is a popular slogon. One of the prices of freedom is dealing with people whose opinions conflict with your's. In my opinion, we should be strong enough to deal with a few words written by a student that has probably not seen very much of the world.

There was one line that did make sense to me. "Only through careful and logical changing of the underlying conditions that allow for the ideology to foster will Al-Qaeda be defeated." You can kill individual cockroaches all day long, but until you deal with the origins you're just wasting time. We can kill terrorists all day long (heh, and we will), but until we stop new terrorists from emerging...

Dissent is a very American tradition. Look beyond the few scornful words, and see the exercise of a person's right to say their opinion.
If the author of this article was white, and the deceased soldier was puerto rican, would this be hate speech?

The whole situation is infuriating.
I couldn't even finish that garbage Gonzalez wrote. The absolute epitome of the word coward. :mad:
Most here are just exersizing the same freedom you are talking about. They have as much right to vent as Rene had to write the article.

He's just looking for his 15 minutes of fame. And got it. Never to be heard from again.
Well I have to agree with Joab. This is some lonely pathetic, nerdy loser who did this solely to piss people off. That is why most people write such garbage is to get a reaction out of people that normally would not give them the time of day. Now that your name has been on every corner of the net and major news networks and papers good luck with that career in politics. You might as well tell mommy and daddy that you just wiped your @$$ with the 100 grand they put into your education. I truly hope mommy and daddy are proud that their highly educated scum of a son has no respect for anybody living or dead. I also hope that no employer other than Taco Bell would even consider employing a human being with such ideals. This has truly made me sick to no end.:barf: :fire: :fire: :fire:
"Only through careful and logical changing of the underlying conditions that allow for the ideology to foster will Al-Qaeda be defeated."

I agree with this, but I think Rene and I have very different ideas what it means. I would venture to guess that Rene thinks the problem lies with US.

I would say the problem lies with the 13th century theocratic governments that rule most countries in the Middle East. That is the reason the ME is 500 years behind us. Their people are oppressed and their spirits are crushed. And their governments duck responsibility by pointing to 'evil' Israel and America.

Now I would agree that the BEST way for the ME to reform is from within. But as that has a snowball's chance in hell of happening in the next century or two, reforming from without (ie us dismantling governments and killing terrorists) is the only way I see anything remotely positive happening over there.
As Bam-Bam posted earlier...

ole Rene has apologised. Just found this on

AMHERST, Mass. -- A University of Massachusetts at Amherst graduate student has apologized to Pat Tillman's family.

Rene Gonzalez wrote a column for the campus paper saying the football player-turned-soldier who died in combat in Afghanistan wasn't a hero -- but rather a "G.I. Joe guy who got what was coming to him."

Gonzalez did not respond to telephone and e-mail messages left Thursday by The Associated Press, but in an e-mail to Boston's WBZ-TV, he apologized to the Tillman family "for all the pain that my article has brought them."

Gonzalez said he was trying to convey that Tillman's celebrity came into play when the former Arizona Cardinals player was labeled a hero.

"I felt that his celebrity had been a factor in American society calling him a 'hero,' and I felt American society had arrived at that conclusion without much thinking, but rather as some sort of patriotic 'knee-jerk' into hero worship," he wrote. "That was my point. I did it [admittedly] in such an insensitive way, that the article was not worth publishing."

UMass president Jack Wilson issued a statement saying the comments in The Daily Collegian on Wednesday were "a disgusting, arrogant and intellectually immature attack on a human being who died in service to his country."

The newspaper's editorial board ran a letter to readers in Thursday's edition saying Gonzalez's views do not reflect The Collegian's opinion.

He's right, that article wasn't fit to be published. It wasn't fit for me to wipe my butt with either. It's too bad Tillman wasn't from MA, this kid might have ended having to really accept the consequences.
but in an e-mail to Boston's WBZ-TV, he apologized to the Tillman family "for all the pain that my article has brought them."

Sending an e-mail to a TV station isn't apologizing to the family, it is a publicity stunt. :barf:
This is not about the right to dissent. It's about ingratitude, arrogance, narcissism, and shameless cowardice. We can tolerate it but we sure as hell don't have to like the smell of it.
Obviously Pat Tillman did what this kid would NEVER have considered doing. It's men like Pat Tillman that forged the foundation of this country and gave spineless dorks a safe place to call home. I'm sure that had Mr. Tillman not been a football player who turned down a career with the Card's to go to the middle east, this would not have seen much publicity. I do have the utmost respect for someone willing to make such a sacrifice. God bless you Mr. Tillman, and all who have made the same.
Sending an email to ESPN is not an apology; going to the Tillman house, in person, and apologizing is what a real man would do.

R. Gonzales is nothing but a coward.
Joab your comments were very well put, I am sure you are correct. my take is this kid hates anyone that excells.
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