Mall ninja test

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I got 32%. Problem is, the musical choices were lousy. I'd rather have Beethoven, Bach, Wagner, or Holst.

And 98% on the Gun Nut quiz.
48% mall ninja, not sure how that works, I don't own any camo or gas masks, but I like my ar15...

100% gun nut, but I cheated on the sa-80 question.
Nigerians? Where you stationed at, JLelli? I don't run into much more than a handful of Chechens. Got some Quebecois terrorists try to hit my mall one time.
No USAS', either. The Chechens run the gamut - though I did see one with a Carl-Gustaf mounted on his Honda motorbike. He slipped on some candles from the Pier 1 his buddies had just robbed, and blew up Radio Shack instead of our tactical golf cart.
You scored 21 % Mall Ninja Personae!
you scored higher than 99% on Personae

that test is biased against the G3...and Remington rifles.

75% gun nut, musta been the mosin and glock question.
I'm 32% Mall Ninja.... I think it counts against me that I have ninja weapons... but I was heavy into Martial arts when I was younger, and lived in NJ, where you can't get a gun... but nunchuku's and swords are ok! :cool:
Damn you SaMx. I wasted an entire evening taking stupid tests.

38% Mall Ninja and and that's even with liking the cute kitten.
I'd likely be a leader of the Nazi resistance.
I'm a classic rock trivia god.
Pretty intelligent when it comes to general knowledge.
I'm not gay.
If I was a muppet, I'd be Oscar the Grouch.
I know a lot about science.
I'm 82% of a gun nut, and yes, that picture sure looks like one of Oleg's.

And here's another one we might be interested in...

Zombie survival quiz
Me too. 30 percent, and 99th percentile. Even worse, right after I took that quiz I clicked on another one called how low are your standards and was disgusted by what was basically gay porn. I hate that site.
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