Man tweets to NRA - 'I just killed my whole family, and i couldnt have done it without a gun!'

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I am not going to buy this -- that this individual actually used his own Twitter account to reply to an NRA tweet.

Let's see if we can get some verification that this guy actually posted that tweet.

This crime happened a ways up I-5, but the couple used to be local to me, and none of our Western Washington news media has reported this aspect of the case.

Why not?

Not like he had anything left to lose.
This is brought on by the media and the news. I am surprised that most that have been around a while are having difficulty not being able to see the forest because of the trees. These nut cases want to be recognized by the media and news (and I use the term "news" loosely). Unfortunately the media has so saturated the people with this sensationalism that the nut cases are having trouble being recognized and have had to up their game.

Fifty years ago this dim-wit would have been locked up and the key thrown away. Never to be heard about again.These days we say "Oh my. That poor soul".

Sorry, needed to get that off my chest. I understand if it if this gets locked or deleted.
Did a little google search and one person referred to him as a "deranged liberal". Apparently he also tweeted that "Millions of children go to school each day fearing for their safety". Now we know who they need to fear. Others like him. And it says he used a handgun and not an AR-15. What a loser.
That was funny.

Oreo is not amused...


Cats can’t use firearms, no thumbs, but that doesn’t mean I trust him...:scrutiny:

Lunatics, criminals, and progressive Democrats (but I repeat myself) will always find the means to commit nefarious acts, as will tyrannical governments. The NRA exists in order to protect our right to defend ourselves against all of these threats.

However, I am betting that this original "thanks" is nothing more than a sick hoax designed for maximum effect.
I wonder if this will be one of the cases of suspect had a clean record, guns all bought legally, and no history of making any suspicious comments.
And then a Red Flag Law will be pushed.

According to the Brit paper link in the OP, the wife was a teacher, but it doesn't say what the husband does. If she was a teacher, would it be fair to say that it is likely she is a liberal? If he is married to her, is he likely to be one as well?
This was also in Washington state which has had a lot of recent ant-2A laws passed.
He could do it a lot easier without disturbing the neighbors with carbon monoxide from a charcoal grill at the HVAC air intake.
Do not be naive and think that there aren't progressive extremists that will perform acts that are specifically aimed at derailing our rights.

Not saying at this point that's what happened here but it sure smells and its certainly happened before.

Personally I'm not buying it with the details presented currently.
Do not be naive and think that there aren't progressive extremists that will perform acts that are specifically aimed at derailing our rights.

It’s naive to think the left has a monopoly on nutjobbery that could derail our rights.
I'm beginning to suspect that some of these psychopaths are actually put up to these horrific crimes by the antis.
Look at the demographics of the mass shooting victims. In recent history.
It's too perfect to be coincidence.
Not saying at this point that's what happened here but it sure smells and its certainly happened before.
Well, the mainstream media seems to HIGHLY selective in cherry-picking the facts they publish. The psychopath who started the spree shooting phenomenon in Finland back in 2007 was a hardcore anarchocommunist, from a green-progressive family background. He left a manifesto with a clear implication of expected legislative reaction, even oppression, which he hoped to serve as an inspiration to other spree killers. Rhetoric didn't differ much from what the bolsheviks used to incite revolution in Russia.

All this was, however, omitted by news media. As a result many laws have become far less rational and more oppressive than they used to be. The politicians have followed his deranged playbook to the letter.

Political homicides can have an effect in legislation. It all depends.
This story and thread is very depressing. If he actually tweeted that nonsense I think it’s just the ramblings of a mad man. If he meant to murder his wife and animals then he’d find a way to do it, gun or no.

There are unstable people out there. There are down right crazy people walking around, people who know they don’t want to draw attention to themselves.

And then something breaks. We should never mistake crazy for stupid.

But it all still comes back to blaming inanimate objects for destructive behavior of a person is insane. This individual is no different than any other lunatic who commits murder.

The unfortunate part is if this is verified it’s likely the anti gunners will ignore that fact, and will twist it to their own ends. This is a mental health issue, not a gun issue.
Saying you like cats more than dogs will get you on a red flag list.

Sorry but cats are cool. And they don't bark. I have a neighbor that has 4 dogs that have drove me nuts for over a year. I have finally gotten the animal control people to do something about it. And they have wrecked my fence in two areas. I have been told they are looking for someplace new to move. I am sick of dogs. Give me cats any day.
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