Mayors Against Illegal Guns Superbowl Ad

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Here's one I can get behind.

a.) On their website they don't specify what "illegal guns" are to them, other than those sales transacted via an online website; they want more regulations on private sales is what it boils down to.

b.) Contact their NY and Boston Chamber of Commerces and declare your boycott of their entire cities, for tourism dollars to be witheld.

c.)WHile they both declare supposed 2A support, they don't address the criminals and the current statutes that are not being enforced.

d.) It's another step towards a national registration program, voluntary or not, United Nations/Hilary Clinton or not, it's the direction they want.

e.) Somebody find the listing of 600 mayors that supposedly support this crap, while looking away from the true criminal elements.
I note that whilst they were unwilling to stand in their personally created Tempest in a teapot on Youtube, and shut down commentary in response to those of us who made our opinions known, their primary website appears to still have an Active "Like" button.

If you're going to have the brass to make a public stand, you'd better stay there when people point out the flaws in your logic.

If your position is so untenable that you can't risk hearing contrary views, perhaps you have no position at all.
Did anyone actually see the ad run during the Superbowl and what city were you watching from?


Anyone else? Chicago? New York? Boston? San Francisco?

It did not run in Eastern Tennessee.
I'm in Charleston WV and it was shown here. Not sure if it was during or pre-game as I was at my reloading bench in another room when I heard the ad mention something about them supporting the 2nd.
Didn't see it in Tidewater/Hampton Roads, but did not watch every second so can't say for sure it didn't run here.
They are only releasing the ad in the Washington DC market where they feel it will "Do the most good." I think the best thing we can do is question the organization concerning those things we don't agree with and prepare counter arguments against their position, most notably concealed carry. Don't blame the networks. They are businesses and are selling ad space.
That's like saying that the people who sell child pornography are doing nothing wrong, it's only the people who are reading it. At the very least, these two idiotic mayors should be brought up on charges of treason for their blatant disregard of the 2nd Amendment. Treason is still a capital crime, isn't it?
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