Medical in range bag.

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Do any of you carry medical supplies with you at the range? I just got a chain saw and got a tactical turiniquite kit and some quick clot. I just doubled my order and added the second to my range bag. Does anyone else carry worst case gear.

Only if it has morphine in it.
If any reader is not familiar with this, when a person gets a hole in their thorax (chest above the diaphragm and "gut"), they can have trouble breathing because as diaphragm moves to draw air into the lungs, it just draws air in through the perforation (bullet hole) instead. Entry and any exit holes have to be sealed for breathing to function. Seals can be improvised with plastic bags and duct tape -- that's what I'd do in a non-firearm specific wilderness backpacking kit -- but if you have a kit specifically for the range, you'd want proper seals. The vented ones work best -- HYFIN VENT CHEST SEAL TWIN PACK . Of course, I also recommend training to use them, and training relevant to other types of gunshot wound trauma.

I have treated 4 sucking chest wounds. Three of the times I had real seals. The 4th time I made one out of tape and the brown bags MREs come in. When life threatening wounds happen in the field, sterility is a luxury. But you do the best you can with what you have been trained to do. 4/4 survived the injuries.

As far as feminine products go, a ripped up shirt is better than pads or tampons to stop bleeding. Tampons/pads are way down the list to the point of hilarity.
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