Mexican Gangs may be moving into Meth

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Hey, if we're going to ignore facts, links, cites etc. for the sake of personal anecdote, I'll just point out that in my years as a paramedic in one of the largest counties in the U.S., the overwhelming majority of folks who were killing themselves with drugs were using alcohol as the drug of choice.

I suppose this is the point where I should produce much wailing and gnashing of teeth about the destroyed lives, ruined familes, "Won't somebody please think of the children?!?"

But I won't, because -- guess what -- those people made the choice to begin drinking, and we already learned that trying to legislate people's decision making when it comes to ingesting harmful mind-altering substances doesn't really work.

For some reason, the lesson hasn't sunk in with everyone. Hmm...
You pro-legalization folks will have to convince me that marijuana is not a gateway drug. You might convince me that legalization of small quantities of pot is okay. If you grow your own, then like alcohol as long as it is for personal consumption, it's okay? Sell it and you go to jail.

Hemp used to be a cash crop here in the US. Now all the farming is done in Canada as I understand it.

Let Walmart sell pot in their pharmacies. Heck, they sell morning after pills? Tax it substantially to cover the rehab programs we are already paying for.

The "nuclear" drugs will not be legalized ever. No one can convince me that it would be a good idea. Hence, you will still have the same amount of police and law enforcement attention being paid toward these drugs. Prohibition continues...

Not all "hard" drug users are addicts. Correct. But, if they start liking it too much, then they will be. I don't want my tax dollars paying for their rehab. I know it is already, but I don't like it.

Every place I have worked in the last 15 years have had drug screening done. If they find it in your blood or urine, you're gone. Getting dumped by your employer for drug use is pretty serious medicine.
You pro-legalization folks will have to convince me that marijuana is not a gateway drug.
You anti-legalization folks will have to convince me that you are better equipped to make my decisions than I am, and further that you ought to be able to enforce your decisions for me at gunpoint. Hired gunpoint at that.

< edit > Unless, of course, your post is meant to be parody. I honestly can't tell. :neener:
305 posts since I started this thread back in March. THR is as divided as the rest of the nation on this issue.

I don't see what will be accomplished by wasting more bandwidth making the same arguments. Let's give this one a rest.

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