Mexican Troops Kidnap Texas Family?

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Another thought, as an aside...

What do you think would happen if the US were to behave that way? Do you think the world would ignore it if squads of US soldiers were found, let's say, hauling random Canadian citizens out of their homes at gunpoint?

You can be sure that the world would be righteously pissed. Even most Americans would be furious if their government was behaving that way.

Cleary there's a double standard out there in the world.
Yep, that is exactly what would happen. We are the good guys. We won't do anything until [COSPIRACY]the entire west is thiers[\CONSPIRACY]

Oh, well. I'm tired.
That's fine for you REMF's but it's different here on the border. The Mexicans have no qualms about fortifying the border with their military but you figure the Border Patrol, a glorified immigration police force, is a suitable counterforce?

I place little value in your opinion.
I’d hardly qualify myself as an REMF and I couldn’t agree more with Galgo-13. We don’t need military on the border.

Old Fluff,
Is there shooting? Sure. It seems that they all like to take pot-shots at our Border Patrol people and on occasion some of them have been hit. While I can't say for sure I think most of those shots come from smugglers - people or drugs, and sometimes both.
Its wrong, but as I said this is nothing new. Been going on since the creation of the Border Patrol. No need to go get your (speaking collectively here) panties in a wad. BP will keep doing what its always done.
Good morning, Cowboynerd

I personally knew a guy named Robert Maupin when I was in the USAF Navigation Cadet School at Harlingen [TX] Air Force Base from Oct 1960 until Sep 1961. We were stationed about thirty miles north of the border.

Maupin was an instructor in the school and a commissioned officer in the USAF. He loved the area and it may be him or a son of his that we're talking about here. Can you tell me anything more about him?

Someone mentioned the US gov't going into other countries and "arresting" people for trial here. This guy, if he's the one, damn sure would have done nothing criminal in any country. Blowing the whistle on a meth lab sounds more like him.

I have a San Antonio newspaper from about 1991 that tells about a raid by Mexicans on a number of US side ranches in the Rio Grande valley. I can't find the paper at the moment and I don't know if the Mex army was involved.

Maupin is one of the men who helped me along the road to becoming the raven part of.....................

Heres one thing we can do. Call Governer Perry and ask what he plans to do about this. :fire:
Maybe getting a slew of phone calls from across the country will get some results.

1(512) 463- 2000

>> Its wrong, but as I said this is nothing new. Been going on since the creation of the Border Patrol. No need to go get your (speaking collectively here) panties in a wad. BP will keep doing what its always done. <<

My panties aren't wadded a bit. My post offered some first-hand observations about what is going on along the border. I can say that because I live there. I am well aware that the guys and gals in the Border Patrol accept cross-border shooting as an occupational hazard, and nothing in my post suggested otherwise. I do think however, that our government should make it more clear to the folks on the other side that we don't believe this kind of thing is tolerable. That doesn't mean that I think we should invade their country.

My post also clearly said that while these incursions occur from time to time I was not aware of any kidnapping, killing, looting - and that sort of thing. I do think that since the subject has come up a complete discussion of the issues is in order.

In Cochise County we have a fine Sheriff Department, but they are strung out pretty thin. The Border Patrol presence has been increased considerably, but they too don't have the manpower to cover all of the bases, all of the time. Most cow pastures are better fenced then our border. Right now our hospitals are going broke because they are filled with illegal "immigrants" and no one pays the bills. The same can be said about our schools and other social services. Meanwhile the people in Washington look the other way and do nothing.
For doublenought....

...And any others who may be interested:
Try this link

Oh, and for the record, I spent 20 plus years going places no-one wanted to go, doing things no-one should be asked to do, so people back here didn't have to. I'm still doing it, only now I'm not getting paid for it.:scrutiny:
For 00Spy

but we don't seem all that willing to chip in and help protect ourselves from this alledged threat.

And just suppose you and I and a 100 of our closest friends up here in north texas loaded up our pick-em-up trucks with our best blasters and went roaring down to the border. How long do you think it would be before we all got arrested and tossed into the slammer?

Not only does the government not want to do anything about the sorry state of affairs on the border, they will not tolerate anyone else doing anything either. There is far too much money involved for the powers that be to allow us peons to mess up the gravy train.
The time-honored all American tradition of vigilantism will reappear at some point in the future. It will occur when taxpaying Americans get fed up with duly constituted government at any and all levels failing to enforce law. Any time government can not or will not enforce law then vigilantism is a perfectly acceptable response.

I predict it will show up on the southern border first. The first glimmer is organizations like Ranch Rescue and American Patrol.
And more power to 'em.
My poor old granny lives outside Tucson; next time I go for a visit I will call Ranch Rescue (in advance) and see if they need help. I can build or haul or dig or whatever.....
reality alert

We ALL live on The Border. I live in Los Angeles. My impression is that "the border" is, de facto, well to the NORTH of me, judging from what I see around me everytime I go to Costco or Wal-mart or just about anywhere else.

We are already paying through the nose for the governmental services we are NOT GETTING.

I'm of the belief that it will take more than border skirmishes to rouse the American people. For one thing, this stuff isn't being reported or noticed, as one member said. I asked a friend of mine at the WashPost about why his paper was silent on the matter. He pleaded ignorance. Right.

Look for the prospective integration of our Social Security system with Mexico as potential flammable material. Our Government has a plan and it involves stocking the US of A with young, cheap labor. They don't want America to wind up old and infirm like Europe and Japan. Whether this is a supremely wise plan or a supremely dumb one remains to be seen.
I thought RKBA people were smarter than this! it's a bogus story! it's just more anti-mexican hate propaganda. along the lines of lets build a wall (ALA Berlin wall) with Mexico to keep brown people out! Hands up, who thinks people would give a ???? if we were being over run by people from Sweden or Germany? NONE! I think Mexicans have a problem don't get me wrong, They have too many children then expect to escape that kind of poverty by just going north which is wrong, But that does'nt excuse racism! That's why minorities flock (<90%) to the Dems. because they see among "right " wingers that undercurrent of racism.
man that ranch rescue is some serious stuff.

anyone done any work with them? might be a good way to spend the end of the summer.
Am I really reading this?

We have a border
We have immigration laws
And I am a racist for wanting a secure border and enforcement of the immigration laws?

Did the colonials invade another country to secure freedom or did we revolt against the tyranny?

If those "brown people," as you call them, want to flood across the border, there are legal means to do so.

Hands up, who thinks people would give a ???? if we were being over run by people from Sweden or Germany?

Read your history. We were overrun with them at the turn of the 20th century. They are you and me. They entered legally. They assimilated.

Besides, I would adopt the Swedish bikini team:D
Here we go with the racism card. This is not about race, it's about confiscation of treasure, about America's elites, in government and business, furthering their own political and economic ends against the popular will and out of our pocketbooks.

For those who find it unthinkable to imagine the USMC in Mexico City, ask yourself whether it is sound policy, as in the Middle East, to go to the source. The Mexican government, along with its cronies in Mexican media and academia, is actively promoting immigration into the U.S. Fox has told us they are doing us a favor, don't you know? They have convinced the Mexican people that coming here, illegally, is their RIGHT, that the border is a fiction, an obscenity, one more gringo insult. After all, is the Southwest not rightfully Mexico's? Get Fox and his buddies talking in a bar late at night and I'll wager you find that's the view, unstated, in the highest circles.

What we are creating, with the current policies, is not just the potential for vigilantism, which arises when individual rights, expressed constitutionally, are not respected, but the kinds of situations we have seen in Israel and Bosnia. Think there can't be an "Intifada" in Southern California?
The purpose of the military is to defend the United States from foreign enemies. Mexican invaders of all stripes fall precisely within this category in my view. I'm sure the BP wouldn't mind a couple of AH-64s backing them up.
This blows. Seems to me the "border states" need to start forming some militas if our lousy government isn't willing to protect american citizens from foreign invaders. Armed or otherwise. :evil:
This blows. Seems to me the "border states" need to start forming some militas if our lousy government isn't willing to protect american citizens from foreign invaders. Armed or otherwise.

check out this link that was posted previously

And so the race card has been played. It was just a matter of time.

it's played everyday in cases where it has no need to be played. and for the most part it's played by the ones trying to stop racism. so in turn the ones fighting so strongly against it are the ones keeping it alive.
My panties aren't wadded a bit. My post offered some first-hand observations about what is going on along the border. I can say that because I live there.
I gotcha Old Fluff. I was speaking collectively, sorry I didn’t make that more clear.

I am well aware that the guys and gals in the Border Patrol accept cross-border shooting as an occupational hazard, and nothing in my post suggested otherwise. I do think however, that our government should make it more clear to the folks on the other side that we don't believe this kind of thing is tolerable. That doesn't mean that I think we should invade their country.
I couldn’t agree more.

BTW, can anybody here provide something that can substantiate any of this? I can’t…
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