(MI) Pledge of Allegiance is now recited in school!

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Nehemiah Scudder said:
lol The post office isn't what I'd normally consider "socialist". I think it's going to be around for a while, although I can see it becoming a lot smaller. Social Security and Welfare on the other hand I can see being a bit "socialist".

The post office is even more socialist than social security. At least you can save for your own retirement regardless of having to pay into social security. The USPS is a government protected, government run, government subsidized monopoly. Things don't get much more socialist than that.

Nehemiah Scudder said:
Liberty and Justice for All were the ones I had in mind.

Maybe they should cut out all the other stuff. Everyone can just stand up, face the flag, say liberty and justice for all, then sit back down. No more pledging allegiance to flags. No more God. No more indivisibles. Just stick to the supposedly important parts. No one will be offended if someone doesn't stand up because it will be over so fast no one will have a chance to notice.

Nehemiah Scudder said:
I'd be offended because it's country/western. :p The other traditions I was thinking of is flying the flag, and the national anthem. I might throw baseball and football in too, now that you mention it.

I don't know. I get a kick out of hearing it every Fourth of July.

And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me.

It's even better than pledging allegiance to flags.
Well, just because it's federally run doesn't necessarily make it socialist necessarily. Or the popular idea of socialist. Plus, today there's a lot of competition for the Post Office. Look at UPS, FedEx for packages. The internet and e-mail for letters. There will always be a need for a paper letter, I think. But as more and more people get internet access you'll see the volume to start decreasing.

I'd leave the pledge as it is. Even the under God. Even if you don't believe in God, you could think of it as an acknowledgement of God that the Founding Fathers believed in. (Or not)

I'd sing the Lee Greenwood song if it was covered by Metallica or Linkin Park. :)
(God knows I heard it enough.)
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