Miami Gun Fight

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Yes, rifles are better than handguns, but that should not have been an issue. The opening shots took place across the hood of the FBI car that had Platt and Matix pinned in, virtually all missing from distances of 6-10 feet.

You gotta hit your target properly. However, the FBI blaming the event on ineffective calibers is a bit silly and is just a cover for very poor preparation and tactics. Granted, these agents were not supposed to be the ones who initiated the stop, but that is what happened. They knew it was a possibility and took some extra gear, but mostly didn't use any of it. They didn't bring any rifles even though they knew they were going against rifles (or as it turned out, a rifle). Agents lost glasses, gun, left gear (shotguns in cases, ballistic vests) in their cars where it was stowed and/or inaccessible. One agent's gun fell out into the street and he spent the event watching from behind a dumpster. One or two others lost their guns in their cars during the collision and had to rely on their BUGs (snubbies).

Unfortunately, the agents went with what they had learned and knew and their training let them down.
Law enforcement has been using situations like this to increase fire power and budgets for a long time. But cops continue to get killed.

No amount of tactical gear or large bore weapons substitute for quality training. Until they figure this out, its a merry go round.

.40 S&W as a down load from the 10mm which the FBI deemed too much for the average SA

Another example of lowering standards to fill seats. If you can't handle a 10, then you got no business being a SA.
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