Micheal Moore coming to my University!!!

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Jul 12, 2003
Just got wind that he "might" be coming to Xavier University. Not sure on details but more to come and you cab garuntee I will be there sporting my HK T-Shirt.

This could be great.
Go covert. Get the chance to ask him about the movie. Prepare one really great question and hit him where it hurts.

- Gabe
that's the plan, hopefully they will have an open question session in front of everyone. and i will definatly rip him. going to watch the movie at least 5 more times, just so i can roast him:evil:
You need this t-shirt!!:D
Go to bowlingfortruth.com to prepare. If you expect to get to ask a question, you must go very covert. Do not expect an "open" forum. Exposure of BFC to the sunlight of truth is painful. You may have to state what your question will be in advance. Make sure that your question could be put into fawning language to get past the sensors and then restated in real time.
Here's a thought - usually, IF a liberal is going to have a question-and-answer session, there's going to be a "pre-screener" to be sure only softball questions are thrown. So if you're going, prepare a couple of mealy-mouthed questions (you know, "Mr. Moore, have you received any death threats because of your courageous stand?") to tell the screener, and then, if and when you get the microphone, ask the REAL question. ("Mr. Moore, why do you feel it necessary to lie about . . . ")

And keep the questions short, succinct, simple, well-researched, and to the point. Ask a long, rambling question, and you'll lose the audience.

It would help if you could enlist a few others, too . . .
I agree with everyone else that you should go covert. Use the element of surprise! Be articulate, knowledgeable about your subject and polite. DO NOT get into a spitting match, become loud and nasty, etc. Brainstorm with others about what to ask.
Get Video

Go covert. Get someone else to sneek in a hand held camcorder. Record Mikey's reaction to an honest question. Post video on interweb thingy.
Go covert. Get someone else to sneek in a hand held camcorder. Record Mikey's reaction to an honest question. Post video on interweb thingy.

That will be simple i am one of the audio/video tecnicians for the arena where he wouldbe speaking if things finalize for him to come here.

i want to roast him, but with a tactful and serious question. no witty questions. i want a question that will really make people seriously think about the question themselves.
You could start off by saying how much you liked his old TV show 'TV Nation'...which was actually pretty funny.

They would have these polls they would take with hilarious answers:

"65% of College Students would punch themselves really hard in the face for fifty bucks."

This was way before he decided that guns were the root of all evil in the universe. He was just a roly poly funny kind of socialist back then.

- Gabe
Lets start a THR "Pie Mike" fund. If Black pies him and gets us the tape he keeps the money. I've got $10 to donate. :)

Is this legal?

- Gabe
no. it would be called 'assault'.
however, it would be legal to buy moore a couple dozen bacon cheese burgers. you know hes always hungry. and what better way to show appreciation for all his hard work at being a documentarian than to feed him some artery-hardening food?:evil:
The fat racist who claims that had any Afro-American been aboard one of those flights, it would have been different. The never to assert that all Afro-Americans are trouble makers. In the older days, we'd say that it's prejudice. Certainly some are, but so are many whites, Asians, Latinos and everything else.
Dress well, and without gun emblems, or really any emblems at all.

Stay polite, and ask polite but honest questions.

Even if he loses his temper, stay calm and do not raise your voice or appear angry.

Remember, if you act rude, or do anything like that, if he goes frothing he can say you provoked him. If you are honest, polite, and professional, it is all his fault.
I'd write a nastygram to whoever is in charge of hiring him(I'd send it to the President or whatever he's called of the school) and complain about the waste of your education dollars going to Moore. Ask why this unqualified media hack should be allowed to speak at your college. specially as he advocates unconsitutional activities. Tell them you paid to be educated by qualified instructors. Doing anything "clandestine" is counterproductive. Complaining about your school wasting your tutition fees is another thing. Send a copy to the alumni association too. Ask them if they like their donations going to a lying plug like Moore. Or words to that effect.
Hi Mr. Moore,

Third year film student here and I was just wondering if you thought the continuity was affected at all by having Mr. Heston Change clothes three times during the same speech.

I'd also like to hear his version of "what do you say to those detractors who claim the Heston speech was spliced together?"

Dress in a U of Whatever sweatshirt if you must wear a logo. Keep your cool and see what happens.

I recall a time when Sarah and Jim Brady came to UNLV to give a speech...

The auditorium was PACKED. SRO.

An hour program lasted maybe 20 minutes...they were booed off the stage.



Interesting crowd dynamics at work.

Not a pretty picture if you were a Brady Fan.

Black92, you could have several friends write letters to the editor of your school newspaper for weeks in advance prepping the crowd. Direct people to the websites posted above, etc.

Enjoy the moment.

He DID receive an Oscar for goodness sake and that means so much (to someone I suppose)

Q&A... Mr. Moore, what do you say to pundits who report...
Reported by 55 KRC in Cincinnati. Micheal Moore could be stripped of his academy award for best documenrty that he won for Bowling for Columbine.

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