Michigan deer rifle season

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Mar 8, 2010
S/E Michigan
Season open tomorrow 15-30
Good luck to anyone going
I am having cataract surgery--maybe next year if I am still around
couldn't you have waited til after hunting season? It's only once a year. Man, you have to set your priorities but after hunting season.
They told me 4 years ago I needed this operation----I can tell you it was time
to go in when you sight gets so you can't read very well( came up rather quickly) I been hunting on & off since the late 1940's--another year missed wion't kill me--I hope.
They offer lens for distance with glasses for reading also they have a new lens that is supposed to see distance & read less glasses ( I hear it is costly & some insurance Co's don't cover) I have a astigmatism & could not use the new no glasses lens.
They did right eye on 11/5--I knocked the right lens out of my glasses so I can still see good. The only pain is the needle they stick in your hand to drip knockout drops ( you are out during operation) I can see enuf to get around with my right eye---but-- I would not like to rely on it alone to drive.
They will do left eye on 11/19---I will let you know how this works out--I will have 2 eyes that need glasses & will not get those glasses for 2 weeks after surgery--I will advise what happens.
Also--there are 3 types of drops you use 3 x day for one week---then 2 types of drops 2x day for three weeks after surgery.
Catch you later
My wife got her's done on Nov 7th. She was driving an ambulance 4 days later. She missed 5 shots at deer on the 3rd and 4th with my 788, so knew it was time. Next eyeball will be done on the 5th.
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