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Million Mom March liars?

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Dec 4, 2005
Florida Panhandle
I was reading up on the Million Mom March and their event in 2000 claiming they had 750,000 people. From the pictures and other sources, there are claims that there were maybe 20,000 people at most. Does anyone have any evidence that would support there were less than the claimed 750,000? I honestly can see that many people marching against guns.
Brace yourself!

The MMM and the Brady people lie ... a lot.

Whether it's the size of the crowd attending a rally (an obvious lie to anyone with eyes) or that pistol grips make it easier to "spray fire from the hip".

All the Brady affiliated groups refuse to say how many dues paying members they actually have. They also do their best to obfuscate where their funding comes from or how many actual chapters they have.

Don't expect honesty or clarity anytime soon.

They are even struggling to come up with press release material for the past 6 months or so after laying off most of their press team last year.

Even the media only go to them when they need an anti gun quote. Sarah or Helmke don't get much ink or face time on TV and I know that they are trying really hard to get them on the talking head shows every time a gun related bill is on the floor.

They have become about as relevant and topical as "The Macarena".
"The Macarena" lives in Pepto-Bismol commercials.

Million Moms March had a big sell-off of stuff a few years back.
Someone posted here a Million Moms March fanny pack they
had adapted as a Fast Action Gun bag. That is about the status
of the Million Moms March today.

Groups like Handgun Control Inc. and National Coalition to Ban
Handguns changed their names to Brady Campaign and Violence
Policy Center. I claim that they did so because their poll survey
study groups told them their last campaigns had destroyed their
public credibility under their old names.
Million Mom March liars?


The MMM probably claims 3/4 million of people that have at least signed up at some point. Their membership has diminished, and I find it amazing the organization can even support itself nowadays.
The MMM are a ghost of their former "glory".

Basically, at their height, they were astroturf, bought and paid for, and once the money dried up that all went away, as it was never a genuine grass roots movement capable of sustaining itself without outside funds to begin with. After the scandals, they're pretty much done.

They live on as a shell organization run by a skeleton crew, simply to preserve the name recognition. The last time they tried to march, they got something like 2,000 people to show up.

And yes, the MMM and the Bradys lie outrageously. Not just little lies, hyperbole, or exagerration. They pant-on-fire, gonna-roast-in-their-own-level-of-hell, invoke-the-wrath-of-the-old-testament-psycho-killer-"thou shalt not bear false witness"-god lie.
Million Mom March liars?

From The Free Dictionary

n. pl. tau·tol·o·gies
a. Needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy.
b. An instance of such repetition.
2. Logic An empty or vacuous statement composed of simpler statements in a fashion that makes it logically true whether the simpler statements are factually true or false; for example, the statement Either it will rain tomorrow or it will not rain tomorrow.
Yea they had their last march a few years ago while I was in Japan. The turn out was a joke.
The last march I knew about was in Indianapolis. More counter protestors than million mommies showed up. The counter protestors, including members of my gun club, bought the mommies pretzels from street cart vendors. It was reported to me that the mommies were pathetic dupes who were apparently promised more people from Chicago and Detroit.:rolleyes::D
The Million Mom March (and the Brady Bunch) are commercial websites; in other words, they exist for the profit of the owners.

As such, we can expect them to take actions necessary to create profits, even if such actions are at odds with public safety and honesty.
The MMM was an astroturf group from the start and funded by the Joyce Foundation and other groups. In fact, our own Jim March's work was critical in discovering some of the abuses the MMM were using to raise funds. Once these tax violations were discovered, the MMM was basically re-amalgamated into the Brady Bunch. Search the archives at TFL for a long and entertaining discussion on the demise of the MMM as it happened.
There is a good video on youtube. It shows a guy who showed up to video tape a public meeting, and they canceled the meeting when he wouldn't sign an agreement which said the video would be for private use only.

The group knowingly distributes false information to bored soccer moms who are too lazy to research the truth.
"Didn't Rosie Start the Million Mom's ??"

Nope, the was just one of their guest speakers at their first "big" march on capitol hill. I think they thought she gave them credibility but that was before everyone figured out she was off her meds.
Brady Blog Shut Down!

"Brady Blog updates
In the coming weeks, we’ll be making some changes here at the Brady Blog.

Some changes will happen behind the scenes as we manage our staff and technology. Others will be more visible. Please bear with us as we roll out the next phase of the Brady Blog.

Comments off"

The real story-

For the last couple of weeks, the anti-rights crowd has been taking a worse beating than ususal, over there. There are a number of different pro-gun posters over there, a few from THR, who have been doing an excellant job of exposing the lies, which are constant.

I used to think it probably wasn't doing any good, but I was wrong. Last week, a fence-sitter finally revealed himself, and came down on the side of 2A. A day or two after, an anti was converted. I couldn't believe it. But, when you back up your arguments with links to verifiable statistics from government agencies, all the lies in the world don't matter. I'm thinking, if we know about these two, there have to be many more converts who haven't come forward.

Yesterday, we were discussing the Pettit family, of CT. This was the Dr's family whose home was invaded at 3AM, the wife and two daughters assaulted, and murdered, then torched. The notorious Kelli suggested that some of us were, ourselves, the same type of scum who would do something like this. This went way beyond the usual insults and name calling. I think all of us were actually shocked at this one. It isn't the first time that she has proven to be an embarassment to the BC. She has also suggested that some of us were posting from prison, and some of us were under restraining orders. She is one of 2 regular anti-gun posters over there, so 50% of their regular supporters have proven themselves to be irresponsible, and a little crazy.

I think they finally had enough of getting creamed every day. Now they are making changes behind the scenes. Sore losers?

I wonder what they have in store.
Here in Albuquerque it was the way less than a hundred os so mom march...more accurately it should have been called the "screaming 20 moms who kids were killed by Gang members march". Knee jerk moms march would be a better term for the million mom march. Or better yet,

The Million Moms March...yeah right!"
Here in Albuquerque it was the way less than a hundred os so mom march...more accurately it should have been called the "screaming 20 moms who kids were killed by Gang members march". Knee jerk moms march would be a better term for the million mom march.
Wouldn't that be more accurately formulated as,

"screaming 20 negligent, crack addicted moms whose Gang member kids were killed by other Gang members march"?

At least that's the way it always is in Cleveland.

Of course here, we've hit on a brilliant new way to deal with young armed robbers.

We SHOOT them. It's been wildly popular in NE Ohio, even with the media...
"screaming 20 negligent, crack addicted moms whose Gang member kids were killed by other Gang members march"?

At least that's the way it always is in Cleveland."

Ditto for Philadelphia.
Here in Kingsport Tennessee we had an innocent kid shot
by a druggie shooting at another druggie.
The community blamed the shooter, the drug dealers, the
drug culture, and tried to implement policies to clean up
the community.
I don't recall anyone blaming the gun.
Million Mom March

Members of the Million Mom March can't cooount!

The best story I can remember was about a Chicago woman and Million Mom March member who shoot and killed someone with a banned TECH-9, whom she though was going to harm her son.
The best story I can remember was about a Chicago woman and Million Mom March member who shoot and killed someone with a banned TECH-9, whom she though was going to harm her son.
And didn't she shoot the WRONG person?
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