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Minimalist and Metal detectors?

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Dec 11, 2014
I conceal carry and carry pocket folding knife, so I usually leave those, any spare change, the pepper spray that's on my keychain, and my belt in the car before I go in. I do this so I can get through the metal detector and security checks quickly...

Well I went to the courthouse today to file some paperwork and completely forgot I had my CRKT Folts Minimalist hanging around my neck until I was already inside. My question is, why didn't the metal detector detect it? In the past on separate occasions, I forgot I had a coin or 2 in my pocket, a retractable box cutter (I use for work), my belt on, and/or other small metal objects and it always detected it. Heck, it even catches my steel toe boots...

Is the type of Stainless that's used in the Minimalist not detectable by metal detectors?
I have a metal detector it has a dial for sensitivity I can filter out bottle caps and nails and target bigger fish.
I have a metal detector it has a dial for sensitivity I can filter out bottle caps and nails and target bigger fish.
Will it detect stainless? I just read stainless is not magnetic, and metal detectors detect metals that are.
As noted, metal detectors detect any type of metal.
From aluminum pop tabs, to copper, silver, and gold coins, as well as iron, steel, and stainless steel.

It doesn't have to be ferrous metal and magnetic.

The only thing I can think of on your court house deal is the little neck knife was laying flat against your body and presented edge-on to the detector.

And it wasn't set sensitive enough to pick up such a small target edge on.

Styx that's a good question but I think you're passing by the obvious.... You're assuming that the visible security screening (of one sort or another....) is actually in working condition and has been set up properly (and lastly...) as well as being operated properly. My experience with various sorts of government and private systems hasn't left me with a great deal of confidence...

Of course with my luck if it was me that forgot to "clean up" before going through some sort of screening I'd get stopped immediately...

The only sure lesson that I"ve drawn from my years on the street and in and out of courtrooms (all well before 9-11...) is that the human element in any security setup is usually where lapses occur....
Courthouse detectors will pick up aluminum. Be surprised how many people, including lawyers, forget to remove their little drug stashes wrapped in foil.
Metal detectors hate me. I have a small piece of metal in my shoulder that got placed there while welding in high school. Usually sets off the detector. As far as the knife, what rc said makes sense.
Will it detect stainless?
As stated metal detectors will detect ferrous and non ferrous metals, as for the hobbyist they are mostly interested in the non ferrous metals such as gold and silver. Myself I dig anything metal. Keep in mind clothing may contain metal buttons and zippers and such, the security metal detector's sensitivity is calibrated to exclude for such things.
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1. The sensitivity of metal detectors can be adjusted.
2. Some detectors can be adjusted to ignore (or at least be less sensitive to) metal in certain areas of the body--around the neck/face, for example, to prevent the necessity of removing bridgework, earrings and necklaces.
3. The speed with which a person moves through the detection area has an impact on the sensitivity of the machine.
4. The smaller the size/mass of the object, the less chance of detection.
5. Some detectors can be sensitive to the orientation of the object.

If you had a small knife on you, in an area not commonly used for concealing weapons and went through the detector fairly rapidly, that might reduce the chances of the detector going off considerably.
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I have went through a courthouse metal detector at least twice wearing steel-toed boots, and a 1/4" x 6" piece of brass rod I made a belt buckle out of 40 years ago holding my pants up!

The Detecter didn't go off, after I gave up my little SAK in my pocket both times.

The belt buckle, you could easily beat somebody senseless with if you had too.
(That was the intent when I made it.)
And the steel toe boots, would also leave a mark.

But they didn't bat an eye over them.
And neither did the metal detector.

They just took my 2 1/2" Swiss Army Knife away from me both times!

(Maybe they just didn't want a old barefoot guy with his pants falling down showing up for jury duty??)

I'm thinking the courthouse detectors are focusing more on what's in your pockets then what's on your feet or above the belt line.

So, you might get in with a Glock in a high-ride under-arm shoulder holster.
But you damn sure won't get in with a pair of nail clippers in your pocket!

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Well, I am sure just like any metal detector, they can be adjusted for various levels of sensitivity?

You may have more problems with condoms in courthouses in Miami FL then we have in Kansas, so they crank'm down finer there? :D

I don't have experience in security metal detectors but I wonder if the areas of sensitivity can be adjusted as well (as in foot area to allow steel toes to pass or chest area to allow jewelry belt buckles)
not saying it's a good thing but if you have 500 women with something metal around their necks or have construction behind your post you might set the machine to allow those items to pass in the focused areas.
At any rate, any security we feel we gain is an illusion.
Sorry for the thread hijack... RC, I'd love to see a photo of your aforementioned belt buckle!
More thread hijack.

But it's just a 5/16" & 3/16" brass rod belt buckle I bent and welded together in 1970.
No telling how many belts it has outlasted now.


Not a weapon at all. :scrutiny:

But you would not want to be slapped upside the head with it either!
It weighs a little over 1/4 pound + the belt.

Not very stylish either.
But it's held my pants and occasional holsters up for 45 years now!

Thank you very much, sir.
That's beautiful RC! If you don't mind, I may copy your design and make one for myself (I think 1970 is supposed to be stylish all over again these days).
I've said it before... your advice is always worth the price of admission!
Copy all you can stand of it.

But it won't get you any hot girls now days I'm here to tell ya!! :D

That one will be at my estate sale with the belt for .25 cents, if you can wait just a little while longer.

Estate sale, nuthin'. I expect you to outlive that buckle, y'hear? How will the rest of us know how to fix our stupid mistakes if you went to the estate sale?
Several years ago I drove one of the buses to 6 Flags over GA for a school field trip. One of the dads, a friend of mine went along with his twin daughters. He is a deputy sheriff and was carrying. He had his badge out as he went through the metal detector, and it didn't pick up his gun. I went through right behind him and got pinged because of my belt buckle. It comes down to the machine and the skill of the operator.
Having worked industrial security using walk through detectors I can tell you that what usually happens is that the sensitivity will get dialed down over time because it keeps pinging on metal zippers and buttons and belt buckles and shoe eyelets and underwire bras. One guy will turn it down and then another guard will turn it down some more until finally it barely works at all.:what: But the red light is on so everybody thinks it's working. If it is set to detect small amounts of metal you essentially end up having to hand wand and search almost everybody that comes through the line. That don't fly at quitting time or lunch breaks.
The metal detector at our courthouse is infuriatingly random.

I have to go down there enough that I know the drill. I don't wear my steel toe boots if I can help it. I already have all my change and pocket knife left in the console of my truck as well as my gun, of course.
I don't even wear my belt and try to wear a sweatshirt instead of a coat with a zipper. I plunk my wallet, keys, and phone in the dish and walk through.

Sometimes it lets me through. Sometimes it pings on my plastic wristwatch. Sometimes my zipper.

I honestly do try my best to get through quickly as I am almost ALWAYS stuck behind someone who has no idea what "metal" means and has step through 9 times before they remember to empty EVERYTHING out of their pockets:rolleyes:
We used to getwanded every few weeks at my old job (Navy base). Most all of us wore steel toe boots and had knives/tools with us. The wands almost never went off, they were probably turned all the way down to minimize false alarms.
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