MMM schedule

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Jan 16, 2003
Peoples Republic of NJ
Here is a link to the MMM website. I plan on going to the July 16 counter-rally in Trenton.

Please help the cause check the dates and set up your own counter rallies.

These folks only had 2,000 show up in DC. How many of those were kids?

How many do you think will show up at your local rally? You may have a chance to outnumber them.

From their schedule:
September 13 Assault Weapons Ban Expires
I like their optimism :D

I'd be glad to take part in a counter rally, and I'll probably be free when they come to town.

I could probably help out with organization as well.
When is the MMM coming to Texas? I want to pick up one of their fanny packs so I can have an easy way to carry the MAC10 I'm buying. :D

As far as I can tell the thing is legal to concealed carry as long as I keep the ATF Form 4 with it. I'll make sure to take a digital photo and then send it to the .2% of a million mommies to show them what kinds of goodies you can keep in their bags.
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ANyone else think it is strange they are going from MO to TX then back to MN? Later they go from NJ to AZ to ME, so much for saving gas. I think their choice of cities is rather strange also. Of all the cities in Texas why San Antonio?

Best quote I ever saw regarding the 1st MMM was at an El Arroyo in Austin. It went: "Million Mom March draws thousands. Yellow rose has record day!" FYI the Yellow Rose is a semifamous local topless joint.
I've already alerted the local SAS folks here to be ready to make a trip to San Antonio June 3-4th. I know some ladies who will try to give them a warm reception. I think that's the same time as the Republican state convention in SA, so that might cause some conflicts for some of the counter-protesters...
And STILL no Indy date....what's up with that? Sheesh, you'd think with the way our Senators vote we would welcome them with open arms.

:D I would love to visit with them and show my support...

...for my right to own an ugly, black rifle.
From the MMM site..
featured story:
Posted by Judy (Torrance,CA):
My son and his best friend were murdered in Los Angeles by a gang with guns. They were innocents, they were killed in their car at a stop light when a group of thugs pulled up beside them and opened fire. The detective working on the case called it "a random act of violence, gang members out to make their initiation".
I belong to a group of Mothers entitled Mother~2~Mother, we have all lost our children to gun violence. We are located in the South Bay portion of Los Angeles. My son was a beautiful young man with high hopes and goals. He worked as a Veterinarian Assistant while attending school at night, he had loving parents, sisters, grandparents, a girlfriend and his whole life ahead of him - that life was stopped short by a gun.
With much sadness,
Judy Torrance, CA
Ok - Judy - you need help. That life was stopped short by "gang members out to make their initiation" - a person murdered your son. I'm sorry - but that is the real truth you will not see. -
I am begiining to really! dislike this MMM organization - encouraging people to continue to believe in a fantasy about something they need to face the truth about. They will never heal. Thanks to the MMM and their ilk. Perpetuating a myth that an easily blamed "thing" is responsible for the tragedy in some parents life. Yeah - how noble of them.
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