Model 12 help needed

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Oct 28, 2005
My new/old 12 gauge Model 12 (built in 1961) rattled when I shake it fore and aft. Most of the other 12 ga guns also rattled similarly so I went ahead and laid my money down. I don't recall any of the 16ga or 20 ga guns making this noise though. Of the couple of 12ga guns that didn't rattle, I assumed they just had too much gunk in them. Most did though. These were all model 12's (Yes, I did find the mother load of Mod 12's)
Last night I loaded a snap cap in and pulled the hammer. The rattle disappeared, so it's somewhere in the trigger group /receiver area.

Can one of you Model 12 nuts/ gunsmiths help?
Model 12

Love those old Winchester pumpguns! M-12s and M-97s rock. :cool:

Welcome aboard and stand by...Jim Keenan should drop in later today. Probably has the best general knowledge of any smith I've seen. He oughta be able to figure it out post-haste.
Rattle means play between parts. That doesn't make for a big problem unless the play is excessive and/or effecting function. Some play is certainly normal.

As to the rattle going away when the hammer is down - the tension of the hammer pushing forward on the bolt assy is likely taking up the play between the parts that are making the rattle .
on my model 12 when you cock it and fire the pump sticks. you have to push it forward then cock it back to get it to cycle. also where do i find the date it was manufactured and the value. i also have a couple of old octogon pump 22's one short one long and a lever action 32-20 i'd like to learn more about.
To find year of manufacture you can look up your SN on the web site :

As to the sticky pump action after firing , that could be a couple things. The area to look at is the slide lock mechanizm . (after you clean the gun ). The action (slide) lock is what holds the gun closed for firing. When the hammer falls it should interact with the slide lock to drop it out of the way (thereby releasing the action so it can be pumped rearward) .

If the action lock doesn't completely release, it will hold the action shut. Pulling the pump forward sometimes gives enough clearance for the slide lock to drop down (release). Look for wear, roughness, or weak springs as the cause.
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