"MOLON LABE" and Greek Letters

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Mar 4, 2003

I've been thinking of getting a MOLON LABE tattoo in the Greek letters as shown above. I'd like to know why the accent marks are present though. I searched several web sites containing the Greek alphabet and didn't see accent marks. Anyone know the deal?
This may be a stupid question, but I've been keeping my eyes open for someone else to ask it to no avail.

How do you pronounce Molon Labe?:confused:

BTW that would be a cool tatoo. I would leave out the accent marks if they aren't true to the original language.
Are the accent marks there just to look cool? Kind of how it was trendy for 80's bands to use umlauts like Motley Crue and Queensryche.
OK Guys;
A little mercy please. I'm way out here in the sticks of northern Montana. What's it mean? 900F
It means "come and get them", as a challenge to anyone who will come to take your guns away from you.
Are you the one whose parents didn't want him to get that tattoo? And you wanted it on the back? Why not get a shirt that says this instead? Reasons not to get the marking:

Your future "hope she'll say yes" wife may not like tattoos.
Your future children may be embarrassed by them.
Neighbors may think less of you.
Your in-laws may hate them.
You grow old and skin sags -- ink fades.
They can get infected.
It may not look cool in a few years.
You might change your mind.
It'll never come off -- no, not even with laser.
Friends and business associates may not think it looks "cool" either.
A gun would cost less and hurt less...

I respect you want this but it's a permant reminder of temporary insanity, and I've always thought people who get tattoos ran out of good ideas. There are SO many better ways to spend your money than marking up your body. A beautiful gun would go further but best of luck with whatever you decide.
Arguments against getting a tattoo usually boil down to "other people won't like them." Bottom line: there's nothing more personal, and the choice is yours. If you're ready for the commitment, go for it.
Reasons not to get the marking:

Your future "hope she'll say yes" wife may not like tattoos.
Future wife may not like guns.

Your future children may be embarrassed by them.
same as above

Neighbors may think less of you.[/quote
same as above

Your in-laws may hate them.
same as above

You grow old and skin sags -- ink fades.
that's why I'm not inking my belly or chest (pray I don't develop manboobs in 30 yrs), hopefully staying fit will prevent that.

They can get infected.
They can, if getting inked at irreputable places and one doesn't care for them properly.

It may not look cool in a few years.
Good point, I always wait a long time before getting one, and I choose something that is symbolic and significant to me. If I change my mind later (doubt it), it's part of me and who I am or a reminder of who I was.

To each their own. My tats harm others as much as my guns do.
because it's Attic Greek not modern Greek

Koine (common) Greek, which is what the New Testament and some of the writings of the Early Church Fathers were originally written in did have accents. So I believe did Attic Greek, which would be the classical Greek in which the history of the Greeks vs the Persians was originally written.
I think it would be a darn cool tatoo!!!
As far as accents I'd go with historical accuracy whichever way it proves to be.

However, I'd be prepared to hear "Were you in a frat?"
Molon Labe

Actually I believe a more accurate translation is "They are here", either way the meaning is the same.

Another good quote from Thermopylae; when the Spartans were told the Persians would put so many arrows in the air at the same time they would blot out the sun, the reply was "Good, then we can fight in the shade".
I would go back to the drawing board on those characters judging by the statue at Thermopylae. They ought to know.

Leonidas also said, "Today we carve out our own omens," just before the battle.
Well...since your beyond hope...:D , I'd say go for it if it's what you want. The only thing I'd advise is to put it where you can see it. I don't understand the point of putting tattoos where you can't see them. Again, best of luck.:)
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