Motorcycle carry

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P11 in my right front pocket, in a DeSantis IWB holster. Not quick on the draw, but it's there.

Sometimes for the heck of it I'll wear my Sig 220 on my right hip OC. But you're right, probably a bad idea if I ever wreck.
I seem to recall reading that back in the'20s the New York City Police preferred Indians to Harleys, as the Indians had the throttle on the left, allowing yer average right-handed person to use strong hand on the piece.

I suppose one could swap controls around, but there might be some danger in the retraining period if motor skills had already been deeply trained.

Like the central throttle pedal race cars used to have, to facilitate heel-and-toe downshifts. That made for a very bad habit when transferring to street cars.
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