Move to Libya to exercise 2nd amendment?

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Oct 5, 2010
FACT: Libya is now freer than we are. Full autos have been passed out to residents for months. I'll bet you could get a full auto unpapered AK for under a hundred bucks.
Yeah, and that free exercise of religion is a biggie, too.

Plus, if you're a woman, you get the added bonus of no rights whatsoever.

(Some threads just shouldn't be born.)
Yes harmonic, your entirely off topic post shouldn't have been born.

This is about freedom to purchase any and all firearms without getting permission from the excuse for a federal government that we have that barely pays lip service to our freedoms and our constitution.
So if one political party here started handing out machine-guns to keep the other from power, we'd consider that a pro 2A victory?

That's what we are seeing here. Pro Qaddafi forces handing out machine guns to their followers to stir civil unrest. That's not at all what the Second Amendment is about.

I really don't understand how you can make that connection.
It's more to do with war and unrest than because of an ideal of freedom. If you've got dangerous bandits running around with military hardware, don't you want the same?
What has happened in Libya (with regard to unconstrained ownership of weapons) is typical of any fluid combat zone and has nothing to do with civil liberties, legalities, or rights.

The situation over there is merely about force, might makes right, winners & losers, and personal survival. You can pick up an AK for free. You just might have to kill someone for it...or find yourself impressed into one faction or another and be handed one to employ. Is that somehow an appealing idea?

There is a war going on and society has been ripped asunder.

I've seen plenty of that. No thanks.

I can pickup an AK in this country for a few bones and without all the drama.
Texas, the rebels were handing out machine guns too, but WHO is handing them out is utterly irrelevant. The point is, the citizens are free to possess an object WITHOUT 3 months of government B.S., paperwork, permission, and limitations on an aging pool of overpriced machine guns (like here in the USA). IN FACT Texas, the very reality that people in Libya are free to hand out machine guns to people who agree with them (thus exercising freedom of conscience) WHILE forming citizen militias (if you dare form a citizen militia in this "free" country you'll have a dozen FBI/ATF infiltrators joining it to spy on you and entrap you) speaks of even more freedoms the Libyans now have THAT WE DO NOT, so thank you for bringing it up.

Hollis Wayne Fincher is in a federal gulag RIGHT NOW for doing what the Libyans are now free to do.

David Olofson is no longer in a federal gulag, but he WAS there for a rifle that merely malfunctioned, and he didn't even actually violate the byzantine nonsense from our so called federal "government" which got a cowardly jury "of his peers" to actually convict him. David Olofson could go to Libya RIGHT NOW and do what our federal "government" turned him into a lifetime felon for doing.
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OP- are you really serious, or do just want to rant about your perceived lack of freedom? If it's just a rant, have at it. If you're really serious I've no idea where to begin.

Sam Cade said:
........until the revolution is over.

Exactly. Let's check in on the free people of Libya in a few months and see how things are working out for them.

There is more to freedom than having an AK by the front door. There are 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights. Having unlimited access to one, and losing the other 9, doesn't strike me as freedom but to each his own.
Wow the denial by so many in this thread, on a supposedly pro second amendment forum, is nothing short of shocking. We're seeing denial of the new freedom in Libya. We're seeing denial that the USA is NOT free like the Libyans now are. We're seeing veiled denial that the right to possess a machine gun is protected by the 2nd amendment. NO WONDER we've lost our liberties and privacy in this nation. No wonder. When the "pro second amendment" folks are in this much denial of their own freedoms (which they have LOST), it's no wonder.
What has happened in Libya (with regard to unconstrained ownership of weapons) is typical of any fluid combat zone and has nothing to do with civil liberties, legalities, or rights.
Wrong. The overthrow of a tyrant RESTORED CIVIL LIBERTIES AND GOD GIVEN RIGHTS. Whether those liberties remain intact in the coming years is irrelevant to the reality on the ground right now.

Since so many here are too busy essentially playing the "we're better than the Libyans" card, I will be the one to point out that half the Libyan population (obviously a guess but undoubtedly a CLOSE guess) now possess machine guns. The percentage of Americans, EVEN when we were free (i.e. prior to 1934), who possessed machine guns NEVER got anywhere near that high (which facilitated the illegal NFA of 1934).
There are plenty of places in the world you can get almost any full auto you want for cheap with no paperwork...and I wouldn't want to live in any of them.

As far as full autos here....I don't mind the paperwork aspect and the tax stamp....but I do mind the fact you can't buy a newly manufactured full auto and that is the only part I would change about the current laws.
Since so many here are too busy essentially playing the "we're better than the Libyans" card, I will be the one to point out that half the Libyan population (obviously a guess but undoubtedly a CLOSE guess) now possess machine guns. The percentage of Americans, EVEN when we were free (i.e. prior to 1934), who possessed machine guns NEVER got anywhere near that high (which facilitated the illegal NFA of 1934).

OK you clearly have a hangup on the whole machine gun thing, and that's fine.

But can you explain how you consider that alone as the definition of freedom? You can't possibly believe that the people of Libya are exercising freedom of speech, religion, and other things most people would consider as necessary to being free can you?

You'd trade the right to vote, the right to read anything you want, and the right to worship as you please for an AK-47?

I'm sure the Libyan embassy will accept your application for a Visa.....

Guns are just part of being in a free society. They are an important part, and we spend a lot of time fighting to increase our freedoms relating to guns. That you think guns are the sole measure of freedom is, to be perfectly honest, a little creepy.
Under Sharia law, non-Muslims are not allowed to possess arms. That's freedom?
I mean, purely academically ... I will agree. Private gun ownership in Lybia is currently less restricted than in the US.
But it has nothing to do with any kind of second amendment .. they don't even have a second amendment! It's a warzone!

I really don't think this is any kind of real attempt at discussion. It's some half-cocked notion that obviously no thought was put into.
The 2A is a part of the Constitution of the US. How does that apply to a country with no constitution worth talking about run by a despotic cross dresser about to be taken over by a bunch of trans-national terrorists?

Troll Fail. Epic.
Be careful, the Heritage Foundation is a Conservative source. It is by its very nature, opinionated and biased. From what I can dig up, there are a lot of different factions in the revolution and Islamists are not by any means in control of the revolution.
And once order is restored...the rifles will be taken up again. Bet on it.

Remember all those rifles and pistols that we sent to Great Britain to arm the civilians so they could repel the Nazi hordes? When the war was over, the gub'mint had the good folks turn'em they cut'em up for scrap.
If you honestly think having an AK-47 forced into your hands amitst a civil war equates to freedom, then you are too far gone and there is probably no hope for you.

Good luck all the same. I wish you well in life (just stay away from me please).
You can move to any area without rule of law and exercise greater rights not only to own firearms but use them. It doesn't make living without rule of law worthwhile.

Libya is obviously in transition right now, and rebels are using whatever they can lay hand on. I saw a photo of one leaning out the window with what actually looked like a Roman gladius!
Other photos show mis-matched ammo and guns. But they do have a sense of style, I'll give them that.
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