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MT- Student cited for turning gun in at school

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Just wondering, did you attend school in Havre Montana? I didn't, I live in Great Falls, the first I heard of this was this evening on this site in this thread.

I didn't go to school here in G.F. either. I was the type of kid though, that did bring guns to school. Shot 'em there too. Was a member of the Jr. ROTC & on the rifle team. There was a range in the basement of the school, right around the corner from the armory. Learned to field strip a BAR & an M-3, fully auto weapons, in school.

If t'were up to me, we'd be making war on the N.E.A.

Reason #23,543 why my kids will never go to publik skoolz.

My in-laws just retired from 35 years of teaching (one elementary music, one junior high history). The horror stories they tell are amazing. Teachers are allowed NO initiative in teaching, the kids KNOW they are just being warehoused til graduation, and bureaucrats call the shots. Unbelievable. Oh, and don't EVER try to move smart little Johnny to a "smarter kids" class - that would give the SLOW kids low self-esteem.

Schools sure have came a long way, I can remember loaning my pocketknife to my fifth grade teacher so she could open a box of paper for the copier or something. When she was finished, she gave it back to me and said thanks!!! Oh, the horror. This was only 12 years ago.

I do find myself wondering why he didnt give it to his mother instead though. Does the kid trust the principal more than he does her? Did he find it on his way to school? Was he afraid of getting in trouble with his mom? Either way, he did what he thought was right, which is probably the same thing I would have done if I was his age, and he got in trouble for it.

I'm sure this kid's gonna grow up to have a lot of respect authority:rolleyes:
There's no reason the cops couldn't have asked the questions they needed to in the Principal's office, then gone about their business.
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