Mumbai attacks: Neighbours battle terrorists attacking Jewish centre

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Saw ALOT of cops armed with FAL's . No disrespect to the Indian cops , but some of the guys with the FAL's looked kinda ordinairy/non-SWAT . I take that to mean decent rifles are a bit more widespread than me may think.
In many third world countries the bulk of the police forces are like conscript militarized units, and often sport no handguns and get rifles handed down by the military. The concept that all uniforms are police "officers" is mostly limited to the US and modern first world nations.
The average Indian cop gets to shoot maybe 10 rounds a year. In years when ammo is available.
Most times even though they might have a rifle... often no ammo.
It isnt the weapons so much, as the person weilding it. Arms training is crap, and as we are seeing... so is the training for counter terror. Even our wonderful Special Action Group, Marine Commando's and Para's have been stumped. It is shameful.
Some of the news coverage I saw yesterday commented on how difficult it is to coordinate multiple police rescue efforts.

Pity that most people live in slave states and aren't trusted to defend themselves.
Why is it people always assume a hammer ISN'T the right tool for the job?

because they seen the results of fools whose only tool is a hammer
Why is it people always assume a hammer ISN'T the right tool for the job?

because they seen the results of fools whose only tool is a hammer

Pull hammer back. pull trigger. hammer goes forward. always seems effectime to me.
I hope the Jews beat the snot out of the terrorists. And I hope they're VERY angry at whoever disarmed them and their countrymen.
1. The Enfield isn't a club, it's a darned good rifle. If the cops carrying them have any stones, and some training, they could shred any hyped up jihadis.

2. Obama won't have to sweet talk Iran, in my estimation, since Israel will probably afirm their own security and hit Iran hard. They will probably do this before the innauguration to save face for Barry. Barry can simply blame Bush and all will be forgiven.

3. This kind of attack will happen in the US sooner or later. We need to secure our borders and allow citizens to defend themselves, since the police are ussualy late anyway.

4. Iraq was never about terrorism. It was about the ballance of power in the middle east and gunboat diplomacy. You have no credibility unless you are willing to smack somebody arround. Who in the world is cabable and willing to smack down the fourth largest army? It's not the president of France.

Give'm Hell India,
A few news clips show Indian S.W.A.T. types with what appear to be H&K MP5's.
Terrorists hit hotels and hospitals, a Jewish center. Commando-type raid with spread, decentralized attacks over a wide area then holing up and holdind out. Attacks began by targeting police.
Some pretty big questions come to mind.
1)Does this represent a shift in tactics? It seems like attacks used to consist of random bombings, then double-delay bombings aimed at first responders. Now the percentage of individual shooters moving through crowds seem to being increasing. The kill versus wound ratio seems to be shifted towards dead rather than shrapnel-injured as with the random bombings. As far as equipment goes it doesn't take much special skill to shoot unarmed people at close range... all it requires is a weapon.
2)How will an attack like this in America under President O affect gun owners?
Gunman wandered around unopposed.
There's nothing wrong with that filthy cur that an agonizing death from a sucking chest wound wouldn't cure.

Opponents of firearms ownership, concealed carry, and self-defense in this country are literally begging for this kind of thing to happen.

Fortunately, in places like Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Virginia, degenerates like that would find out that they don't have the option of leisurely strolling around murdering children. They're apt to get shot in the back by an intended victim.
Aren't the attackers representatives of George W. Bush's "religion of peace" and the same folks Barack Obama wants to unconditionally negotiate with?

If Americans don't wake up, Mombai today will be New York or Washington tomorrow.

Okay, a few things.

One, the Khyber Pass is alot poorer than modern urban India, and they are armed to the teeth, so the idea that Indians couldn't afford guns, not true. They probably couldn't afford some of the collections I've seen in America, but they could afford guns.

Two, these guys who did this attacked in an area filled largely with Brit and American tourists, who even if you have a CCW and carry everyday, you wouldn't be there.

Three, this would be a bloodbath regardless. The pic I saw of the terrorist they snapped looked like he had an AK and a backpack full of spare mags and who knows what else? Even with CCW this would have been terrible simply because of the shear number of bad guys.

That being said, the death toll is absurd at this point. If there had been CCW with a small minority of folks carrying, the death toll would likely be much smaller.

But, what can you say? The Indians value controlling their population more than having it be safe or free. I mean come on, if a .32 revolver and 10 rounds of ammo is the most you can do if you jump through the hoops, think about it.
I don't know...

vs a jihadist with an AK I think a very effective tactic is

"stay 300 yards away, get behind a thick mudbrick or earthen embankment, exposing the least amount of you. Return their innacurate 'spray and pray' with aimed shots from a true rifle."

Combatant A has an AK
Combatant B has a Lee Enfiield.

Combatants will be 300 meters apart +_ 50 meters.

I'd rather be combatant B.
India is not America don't presume what works well in your country would work well elsewhere.

Note, we don't have the right to keep and bear arms because we are Americans and our Constitution says so.

We have the right to keep and bear arms because we are HUMAN BEINGS

Indians, also being HUMAN BEINGS have the same human rights, including the right to the most effective tool of self defense.

What's next? Say because of repeated Hindu vs Muslim violence that a concept like 'freedom of religion' is okay for the USA but not India?

Again, freedom to pray to what or who you choose is not an American Right, it is a Human Right...even if that human lives in an area with terrible religion fueled violence
From an other post in LHR

The Lee Enfield is the fastest bolt acion made, 147g .303 a good cartridge, one shot one kill comes to mind.

Ghandi said the most terrible thing the British did to India. Was to take away their weapons.

And he was a pacifist!

They could have made a terrible mistake, picked a Hotel where a big seminar of Firearms Instructors was in progress! 200+ of good shots!

It appears once the initial assault had changed to seek and collect, two armed friends could have killed their captor, collected a AK, and his bug out bag, headed to the highest point in the building, and if they had finally been killed, an expensive death.

The worse place to assault is up wards on stairs, pull pin, throw, and follow that with a short blind burst of AK fire (that is if you had the AK and Bug Out bag) 5 or 6 grenades, 5 or 6 magazines (4X30 equals 130 rounds) real close range, semi auto 3 rounds per target.

If you have a few able bodied people, block the stairs with mattresses. You would be amazed what good leader ship can accomplish in a very short time.

So you get killed in the end? You can't live for ever.
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