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Oct 24, 2006
Many of you out there are understandably fed up with both Republican and Democratic polititions . I know many say they won't bother voting because both partys stink . I think both Repubs and Dems stink too , but , I'm still going to vote . IMO doing nothing is a poor choice . If more gun owners got more involved - like writing or e- mailing your your local polititions and letting them know you are out there and how you feel or joining the NRA or other local gun organizations - then maybe we wouldn't have to worry so much about losing our right to own and carry firearms . I know some people who are pro gun , or at least not anti gun , but they vote for the anti gun Democrat candidates . I don't think all Democratic polititions are anti gun but thats probably another topic for a different thread . Anyway - Stop complaining and do something even if it's just getting out and voting . There must be a lot of us out there because there are so many forums about guns . I think if all gun owners voted it would make a difference . I don't choose a candidate only because they are pro gun but it does have a big influence in my choice . If one of our rights is taken away then which one is next ?
Madula oblongata - I Didn't know this type of thread had already been done so much . I probably should have known. If the moderators want to delete it thats ok with me . But , IMO , You can't say it enough . People need to get out and vote !!!
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