My grassroots letter writing plan...

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Jan 20, 2003
There is a lot of chatter on here about what to do about upcoming challenges to our Second Amendment rights, but in the Activism forum there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of conversation. I'm hoping the Mods will let this discussion here for awhile to get it exposed to more traffic and either spread the idea, or to get some suggestions for improvement.

Aside from another donation that I will be sending into the NRA next week, I have a plan for a "pay it forward" type of letter campaign.

I am planning to write the first letter and send it to my representatives, but I am also making a form letter. I have already bought stamps and will be buying envelopes and soliciting any assistance I can get from gun stores in my state. The general idea is that I'll provide some pre-packaged letters, complete with envelopes and stamps. If I can get the gun stores to agree to ask customers to just sign their names (and maybe add a P.S. at the bottom to personalize it) and fill out the the address on the letter, that's all that will be required to get that many pro-Second Amendment letters sent to my representatives.

I am not made of money, but I am still willing to put up the current cost of a couple PMags to do this. It will probably cost me about a dollar a letter by the time I get through with this, but it's already in motion. And it's important. Real written letters seem to carry more weight than an email and the are tangible proof that people are watching.

The last step in my plan is to ask any gun stores that will help to copy off another thirty or forty copies of my letter and foot the bill for envelopes and postage. If I, a regular guy who cares about the Second Amendment can do it, then businesses that make their living on guns should be able to give up $25 or $50 to help.

The congressional office staffs tabulate the letters (and the Congressmen themselves rarely see them). The staffs are trained to spot form letters, and these are discounted accordingly. That's why heartfelt, individual letters are more effective. Better to have 10 individual letters than a 100 form letters.
An excellent idea, but consider using post cards at 32 cents postage since they'll allow you to stretch the budget further.
hso - thank you but I already bought letters and stamps. I will suggest postcards to anyone I try to get help from. I'm hoping some gun stores will get on board and help me out with this. There is no way it can succeed without their support.
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