Mobilizing Support in the Gun Industry

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Mar 18, 2009
Just a thought and I'm sure it has already been thought of and action being taken with regards to it, but I think the big name gun companies need to come together and start pushing representatives in their states to support the 2nd Amendment, prevent a ban, and prevent magazine restrictions. Companies like Colt and Remington and Winchester or even Blackhawk and 5.11 that have been hallmarks of American history and that have provided jobs and weapons to our military need to show that infringment on the 2nd Amendment would hurt their companies, cause a loss of jobs, and anger law-abiding citizens.

Let's be honest, a politician is going to more readily listen to a VIP from a big company than some John or Jane Doe writing a letter. Politicians get hundreds if not thousands of letters from normal people. They reply with standardized responses, but the letters rarely, if ever, change their minds. However, a big company in the politician's district or state saying that something is bad and will hurt jobs or piss off constituents has the ability to sway a politician and win a vote.
You can imagine that NSSF's affiliate members don't just sit still waiting silently for their livelihoods to disappear.
I'd like to challenge the entire industry to say "You don't want us selling? Fine... until our contracts expire, we will only perform to the bare minimum terms for all your agencies, and once they expire we won't sell to YOU either."
Most publicly traded companies do not make their political activities widely known.

Ruger, MagPul, and Barrett are the exception at the moment, but it isn't reasonable to assume that just because you don't read/hear about the other manufacturers having meetings with their state and federal elected officials that they're just milling about like sheep waiting to get their throats cut.
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