My sister in law just posted this on Facebook

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Sep 5, 2007
An hour south of D/FW
I don't know how to resize it from the web.

Here was my response, anything to add? Keep in mind, she is a liberal that lives in Austin.

But what exactly is a sensible gun law? Should the government limit the magazine capacity to 10 rounds and rid the world of 30 round magazines? That wouldn't make much of a difference, I've tried and will have actual video in the upcoming week of how much of a difference in time that it takes to fire 30 rounds from1 magazine compared to 30 rounds from 3 10 round magazines. I've tried this before and the difference is less than 5 seconds. Should we have more intense background checks? Connecticut has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, yet this psycho still managed to steal guns and commit a horrific act. Funny thing about any kind of law, the criminals don't really pay attention to them.

The plain and simple facts are that the guns aren't the problem. They never have been, they are simply the chosen tool. In China, last week, there was a similar massacre on children that was carried out with just a simple knife. And another in China in 2010 that was arguably one of the worst attacks on school age children ever. Almost 20 killed and over 50 wounded. Again, the guns are not the problem, perhaps if Adam Lanza had been properly evaluated, and mental hospitals were still available, then this tragedy may have never been carried out. But it was, and everyone's emotions are running high at this time looking for something to blame.

Why should the law-abiding citizens that are expressing a Right to Bear Arms, guaranteed by the United States Constitution, have to suffer and be punished for something that a psychotic murderer perpetrated. That would be like punishing your child for something the neighbor's kid did. It doesn't make much sense, does it?

I believe we have sensible gun laws now, and what it would take to guarantee safety is impossible unless we are willing to repeal the second amendment and surrender way too many of our rights. That's not even a guarantee which means that amount of surrender of individual freedom and rights will never justify the marginally improved safety.
In China, last week, there was a similar massacre on children that was carried out with just a simple knife.

We might want to be careful using that. 22 children were wounded during that incident but none were actually killed.

I'm with you on the rest of it, but making sure we keep our facts straight just helps with our overall credibility.
I thought I mentioned that they were wounded, repairing that now

Corrected paragraph
The plain and simple facts are that the guns aren't the problem. They never have been, they are simply the chosen tool. In China, last week, there was a similar attack on children that was carried out with only a knife, although their were no deaths of children in that attack, it is still a very violent act in which a gun was not needed to inflict harm. And another in China in 2010 that was arguably one of the worst attacks on school age children ever. Almost 20 killed and over 50 wounded. Again, the guns are not the problem, perhaps if Adam Lanza had been properly evaluated, and mental hospitals were still available, then this tragedy may have never been carried out. But it was, and everyone's emotions are running high at this time looking for something to blame.
That's fine. Use William Unek as an example. He killed 21 people using an axe in his first rampage. He escaped and killed ANOTHER 36 with an axe and a stolen police gun. Kim Dae-han was an arsonist who killed 198 and injured 147 in what was eventually known as the Daegu subway fire.
She just replied with this

high capacity magazines do push up the death toll. Yes a person can rack up a heavy death toll with a knife but its very rare compared to what they can do with guns. Also, the lack of access to mental health care is appalling. No, it wont stop any crazies from slipping through but right now we have no ability at all stop madmen from amassing arsenals with unlimited ammunition. Assault weapons, developed for war, specifically to kill people, with minimal skill required, available to every citizen no matter how unstable with no background check required is just a little over the line. No way is that "A well regulated Militia".

I don't even know if that is the answer, but there is something a little broken in our relationship to guns. I would just love it if there were some discussion about it. There was a time when a car crash at relatively slow speeds was deadly. Then people started to think about how to make cars safer, not to get rid of cars but to keep more people alive.

Currently the NRA managed to keep the National Institutes for Health from even being able to study gun safety. They are are barred by Congress from doing research or compileing statistics about guns.
Tell her the time difference between emptying a 30-round magazine and three 10-round magazines is 2 seconds. A competent reload takes a second. No one can react and close in distance in 1 second to make a difference.

This is an example of someone at the top of their game. With a revolver. 6 shots, a reload, and 6 shots inside 3 seconds.
What's with her blanket statement about " no background check " I hear that alot in the media?? Any gun store around here requires a 4473 and insta-check.

If requiring private sales to take place at an FFL would solve a problem, then I'm ok with it. I've gone the FFL transfer / private sale route with friends that I've known for many many years. I don't have a problem with it and neither did they. I wouldn't sell them a car and then not change the ownership or paper trail on it. I think most firearm owners would prefer something like that over a complete ban on the manufacture and/or possession of the AR15 platform or high cap mags.

...Then people started to think about how to make cars safer, not to get rid of cars but to keep more people alive.
Her analogy here is not exactly parrallel to the intended philosophy of use for each tool.

Anyway, the number of peoples lives saved and protected by guns far outnumber those harmed by them. There were millions of guns in the hands of law abiding citizens that never harmed anybody on the day of the tragic shooting. She should blame the fool and not the tool.
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high capacity magazines do push up the death toll.
"The panel also considered whether the previous federal Assault Weapons Act of 1994 that banned 15-round magazines would have made a difference in the April 16 incidents. The law lapsed after 10 years, in October 2004, and had banned clips or magazines with over 10 rounds. The panel concluded that 10-round magazines that were legal would have not made much difference in the incident."
Chapter VI - Gun Purchase and Campus Policies (pdf, 111kb)
Possom - your response is sound, as your sister in-laws statement rises to the level of a bumper sticker with superficial and emotion-driven intellect (no offense). Guns are one of many optional tools a criminal may use to murder or inflict harm. Take away black rifles or reduce their function, and what does that solve? It makes some people FEEL better in the immediate sense (which many people understandably need now - especially so with "left" minded individuals who have a tendency for emotion-driven logic), but truthfully, sadly, and LOGICALLY - the bad people (e.g. sociopaths/psychopaths...) will always adapt and find a means to kill. People and the society they comprise are the problem (e.g. mental health care system/services/reporting, media/entertainment industry sensationalism of violence, new parental methods/norms (e.g. child-centered), lacking enforcement/marketing of existing laws (e.g. controlling firearms access to minors and those who MAY acutely or chronically pose a threat to self or others)). Applying solutions to societal factors of violence is what is needed to reduce murderous acts - but identifying these root causes and fixing them is complex, takes a long time, is not the easy thing to do, and doesn't satisfy the immediate need to FEEL better.

Regarding Austin, to be fair though :) - I have met many pleasant Austinites who are not stereotypical angry liberals, and Austin certainly does have a pro-gun element to their community. My experience is that Austin has a blend of political diversity with a more left-sided bias which is natural for college towns. No big deal. Texas is a huge state with plenty of room for one "liberal" town.
Clinton pushed for a study of firearms right before he went out of office. It was done by the National Research Council of the National Academies. I bought the book (Firearms and Violence). Nobody heard much about the through .gov study cause it did not find what Clinton and the gun banners was looking for. The only thing they found that might help was Gun court for minors like current Drug courts. Nothing else worked and they looked and studied everything. They also found the CCW did not increase or decrease violence. There was something remarkable about their findings. There was a whole chapter written by a dissenter on their CCW findings. That had almost never happened in one of these types of studies. The dissenter was James Q Wilson.The MSM was silent about this through .gov payed for research.
Flawed analogy. Traffic laws deal with how the car is operated, not the characteristics of the car or how one obtains a car.

We already have laws regarding how a gun can be operated, and the Sandy Hook shooter broke them, as does everyone who uses a gun to commit murder.
I wonder if people today think the knife was invented for slicing onions and tomatoes? Of course it was originally invented to kill. The bolt-action rifles that are the staple of hunters everywhere were originally developed to kill, and in fact are still the gun of choice for military snipers (or they were until very recently if they are not still used in that role). Very few tools are not sufficient to kill or inflict severe bodily injury.

Cool picture, what you did not mention is that that teacher is a trained marksman. She, as all other women in Israel served two years in the IDF as will all of those children in the picture.

The dumbest thing was getting rid of the draft. While I commend and praise those that serve our country today, all need to give at least two years of service to protect thier country. Manditory service in a National Guard unit should be required of all males and females.

Actually, I don't know for fact that that is a teacher (I didn't do the wright up). However, I do know that the kids are more safe from an attacker than they would be in a "gun free" zone.
what it would take to guarantee safety is impossible unless we are willing to repeal the second amendment and surrender way too many of our rights.

Not only would this not guarantee safety, it would be guaranteed to FAIL 100% of the time.

You don't need to look any farther than China's mass stabbings and her Draconian gun laws to see that no law will ever keep you safe. The heater on your hip is your only hope.
Well.....keep Austin weird I suppose.....

You could say when someone is killed with a car does she support taking all ferraris off the road......
Israel has trained their teachers and the parents of children in the schools in the use of guns and they provide protection of the children in school and field trips.
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