Navy Yard and its implications.

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Bill Clinton MAY have passed legislation on bases to be "gun free zones", but how does that explain the gun free bases I was on in the 80s?

Mental health: Chasing after the MSM for bad reporting gets us nowhere-those outlets are paid to report an agenda. Not the news. ALL of the recent shootings in the previous 2 years have shooters on anti-depressant pharmaceuticals which are proven to cause suicidal and homicidal incidents. Period.

We NEED to hammer out that these people will kill with whatever they can get their hands on: machetes, cars, bow & arrow, gasoline...what have you.

Big pharma has such a strangle-hold on this country, it's THE part of these stories which of course the MSM is paid to NOT report, and/or link with the OTHER mass shooters! This aint rocket science, it's BASIC drug action/reactions, and pharma covering its' big fat dollar soaked heinies!
Almost all mainstream media "reporting" on the the gun issue that I have been aware of since the the 1960s has been breathless advocacy journalism by reform minded crusaders out to demonize guns and gun owners and discredit NRA.

...especially vicious as if it were flechette or dragon's breath.

Flechette and dragon's breath are made by specialty ammo makers and sold with lurid cartoonish hype. They are curios.

Despite VietNam era development of the flechette round, the military stuck with 00 buckshot for a reason: it is simply more effective than flechette and has been a hunting and defense round for centuries. Flechette does have a lot of hype but has not been accepted.

I recall the big hullaballew (ph) over 12ga "Dragon's Breath" (a pyrotechnic similar to the contents of a flash bang grenade--a high decibel blast and flash for temporarily overwelming the senses). A demonstration included firing Dragon's Breath and ordinary skeet/game shotshells at cardboard targets at a range. The target fired at by the FEARSOME CLAP OF DOOM AND FIREBALL was relatively untouched, but the ordinary shotshell left hundreds of tiny holes in the cardboard.
As for the role of Big Pharma in some of this, is any wonder that the chief apologist at CNN/Fortune for David Voth and ATF in Operation Fast and Furious is also co-author with a Pardue Pharma security chief defending Oxycontin-Hydrocodone promotion?
With the push towards "mental health" and how it relates to the anti-gun strategy, I don't believe we are far off from them proposing legislation which (basically) states "if you are taking anti-depressants, you aren't allowed to own firearms, or have access to firearms."

Meanwhile, they'll shovel anti-depressants down every kid's throat to ensure Daddy can't own firearms at home. It'll tie in beautifully to the question they ask my kids whenever they go to the doctors office - every, single time - "Are there guns in your home?"

My wife always answers "Yes."

Which is always followed by ...

"How are they stored?"

Pretty soon we'll see the answers to those questions part of the mandatory reporting doctors have to do to state officials.
Trent, the family needs to be taught that that is no one's business. That sort of thing is becoming more and more important these days. If you don't know that the person asking is pro gun and just asking out of friendly curiosity, the correct answer is that it is none of your business.

Or better yet, just say no. Not a crime to lie to a doctor like that.
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