NE Assault Weapon Ban

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Dec 7, 2007

LINCOLN, Neb. - A heavily rewritten gun-control bill takes aim at assault weapons and, if approved by the Legislature, could lead to the banning of certain firearms in Nebraska.
As amended by the Judiciary Committee, Legislative Bill 958 would create a seven-member law enforcement commission to develop a list of guns deemed "inherently dangerous.''
The bill describes the general characteristics of an assault weapon this way:
A semiautomatic center-fire rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine, with any one of the following: a pistol grip protruding conspicuously beneath the weapon's action; a thumbhole stock; a folding or telescoping stock; a grenade launcher or flare launcher; a flash suppressor; or a forward pistol grip.
A semiautomatic center-fire rifle with a fixed magazine with capacity for more than 10 rounds.
A semiautomatic center-fire rifle that has an overall length of less than 30 inches.
Please contact your Nebraska State Senators and express your opposition to LB - 958. Thank you for your support.
From California

California police are now facing criminals armed with "real assault weapons".

There is now a black market for full auto weapons, going rate for a AK47 in oakland is around 1K.

I got that info from a Oakland cops who I met at a gun range.

MAC 10's, M 16s, grenade lauchers are now showing up on the street, they really are having a drug war.

For those of you who are in Nebraska, ask your legislatures if they want to create favorable market conditions for a black market in real assault weapons.

Hopefully you will have better luck than we had.

No way grenade launchers are floating around Oakland

Don't buy that one
As a person who lives in the Peoples Republic of Communist California... please rally against any State sponsored AWB. All the CA ban did was cut the balls off of the honest citizens. The criminials still have the AW's they aren't supposed to have. An Oceanside City Police officer was killed with an AR-15, that wasn't CA legal... go figure a criminial with an illegal rifle.

Yes weapons smuggleing and drug smuggleing into CA and AZ happens, even fully auto AK's and Colt m16's come accross the boarder into CA, to include gernades and gernade launchers.
Note that Hugo Chavez bought 100k select-fire AKMs from Russia, ostensibly to arm the citizenry against an American invasion. Anybody want to bet against a lot of those REAL assault rifles heading North?
Note that Hugo Chavez bought 100k select-fire AKMs from Russia, ostensibly to arm the citizenry against an American invasion

I don't think Hugo trusts ordinary citizens with firearms. I think those AKs' are for the military...
LAR-15 wrote - No way grenade launchers are floating around Oakland

Why wouldn't there be? Those kind of things go missing on regular enough basis for it to be possible and maybe even probable. Of course they also don't have to be US made either. If people can smuggle pot in by the ton how hard would it be for a couple dozen grenade launchers.
Then who is using them?

Provide me with one example of a drive by rpg
Provide me with one example of a drive by rpg

My God!!! That'll be a REAL example this country is going right down the drain.

Here's the facts.

Great Britain outlawed guns.
Crime increased.
Now it is so dramatic that there are virtually wars in the streets at night.

If US banned guns, this country is hundreds of times bigger than UK. Which means hundreds of times more criminals. Then we have a catalyst added to our social chemical reaction. Violent illegal aliens and drug smugglers. Whoah, big time catalyst and oxidizer to an already hellish mixture of ingredients.
And once this reaction is underway, what is it going to burn? Us!, Us law abiding citizens who simply want to raise our kids, live happy lives and help each other. We are going to be consumed. Add another catalyst, a government who supports criminal rights and want to infringe on every right we have left?

Gun control won't be pretty, at all.
So there you have it.
I am just glad criminals use guns and not home made explosives. I will take 10 Texas bell towers over one Oklahoma city bombing any day.
I will take 10 Texas bell towers over one Oklahoma city bombing any day.

How about "If we preserve our cherished rights and maintain them to the full, violent criminals would be LOCKED UP FOREVER, with NO chance of parole, and we gun owners will MAKE SURE there are no Texas Bell Towers, NYC Wendy's, VA Techs, September 11th, etc..."

Doesn't that sound much better?
Some perspective:

All styles of rifles combined (including so-called "assault weapons") accounted for exactly 1 murder in Nebraska in 2006. ONE.

Nebraska stats:

Total murders................................16
Other weapons (non firearm, non edged)........7
Firearms (type unknown).......................2
Edged weapons.................................2
Hands, fists, feet, etc.......................2

National stats:

Total murders............................14,990.....100.00%
Other weapons (non firearm, non edged)....2,158......14.40%
Edged weapons.............................1,822......12.15%
Firearms (type unknown)...................1,465.......9.77%
Hands, fists, feet, etc.....................833.......5.56%
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