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Need your opinions for my research paper!

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Are we at last brought to such a humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defence? Where is the difference between having our arms in our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defence be the *real* object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?

-- Patrick Henry, speech of June 9 1788

Not sure he actually said this but it coveys the feelings of many people I have known.
Admittedly, I did not read every post here. Many were variations of the same theme.

I'd like to answer question 1 with sort of a different spin, and I will rant a little - forgive me. I'll leave the other questions alone as I don't have much to add that hasn't been said.

True freedom means not just my freedom or your freedom to pursue our desires, but the freedom for everyone to practice what they choose. I'm not pointing the finger at any one person, but I see a lot of gun owners who are very passionate about their 2A rights and make a lot of talk about freedom, but when it comes to behaviors or pursuits that are unpopular or activities they don't partake in, they want them outlawed or forbidden. Many times they point to the Bill of Rights or the constitution saying gun ownership is a "right" and other behaviors not covered in any of the founding documents are not. The point is the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written with freedom in mind and if the founding fathers were to debate modern issues, I know they would side with freedom on these issues. .

If asked, I'd say we're all pretty lucky the right to arms is even mentioned, or the whole practice would have been outlawed sometime last century.

Some quick examples; gay marriage, drugs. I am neither gay nor a drug user, but since I believe in freedom above anything else, I think they ought to be legal. I don't want to debate drugs, but drugs fall into the same argument guns do - that is, neither is harmful by itself. Just as guns don't kill people, neither do drugs.

The point is, anti-gun people don't practice guns as a hobbie and have no interest, therefore their stance is to criminalize them. They simply don't care about the freedoms of others, they want laws written arounf what suits them, just as some gun owners are ignorant to rights they don't practice. People just don't care about other peoples freedoms. It's all a load of hypocracy.

I'm not speaking of everyone, but far too many people are selfish when it comes to freedom.
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1. In your opinion, why are people against guns?

2. Do you think that people can go from anti to pro-gun? How?

3. If you have ever been anti-gun, what event in your life made you decide to be pro-gun?

1. No positive experience with firearms and fear of the unknown.

2. Yes, one trip to the shooting range.

3. No.
1) Because of the media. Automobiles kill more people then guns do, and they don't comment that autos should be banned.
2) If folks truly want to know about guns, they should hook up with someone that is pro-gun and get a lesson on why guns aren't bad.
3) I've never been anti-gun, but I have always been anti-crime. If the powers that be outlaw guns, only outlaws will have them. That is totally unacceptable to me.
Thanks so much everyone for your help! I really do appreciate it. @BedHead, thanks for the advice! Part of the reason I posted this forum is because my professor specifically wants our own, self-conducted research, whether it be surveys on paper handed out to people, or something posted on the Internet and answered by people with an honest opinion on the matter.
For some balance, be sure to go to thelowroad.org and pose the questions

1) why do you think anyone is against banning handguns?
2) do you think that NRA members can be made to see the light?
3) if you were ever a potential mass shooter waiting to snap, what led you to enlightenment and getting rid of those evil assault rifles?
Guys (and gals), if we hope to win anyone over, and I do, my take is that we need to do it by
  1. admitting that there is too much irresponsible / illegal gun use
  2. facing the fact that misbehavior with guns is very severe, and probably tragic
  3. working to encourage responsible, lawful gun ownership and to reduce irresponsible gun use

Don’t try to do it by insulting their intelligence with shopworn old arguments like these, 'cause it isn't working:

Anybody else noticed a trend from the anti-gun types who hang out on Huffington Post?

1) Handguns are the leading murder weapon
2) guns were designed to kill
3) other countries like England banned guns and now have less gun deaths
4) a madmen with a "assault weapon" can kill a lot more people than a madmen with a baseball bat

we should ban guns!

Statements 1 through 4 are, in fact, all true.

These stats and others are real, not made up, and we all know it and should begin to deal with it.

  1. Change #1 from handguns to guns in general, and they are used in more killings than all other forms of murder combined, by a wide margin.
  2. Guns are not only designed to kill, but to do it efficiently, repeatedly, and at long range. If you really intend to kill, get a gun. No one but a nitwit wits shoots with the intent to injure.
  3. True
  4. True. Also, most mass murders (not serial killers) do involve guns.

Guns are no more different than a shovel both can kill you but neither will attack you by themselves.

This is plain dumb. Guns are different from shovels. And ball bats, knives, and all the other tools used in those tired gun comparisons.

Bullets kill well and efficiently. The instant one is fired the lethal radius extends at least 1500 feet. For all of the other tools, listed and unlisted, they are tough to aim and the lethal radius ends at the end of your arm. Vehicles are almost never used as weapons.

Guns are NOT the same as other tools, stop insulting people’s intelligence, or showing your own lack, by telling them otherwise.

Well meaning people think if there were no guns it would be a better world yet feudal Japan had no problem killing people with out them. No offense to the Japanese intended they were just very good at it.
Please. Japan has almost no guns, an urban population far denser than ours, and almost no violent crime compared to us. If you must pick examples, pick some that make sense.

Pick any other country where there are no guns and people lose their lives and other things from all sorts of weapons. Guns just make it less work. That's why they (guns) were called the great equalizer. 5' woman can stand her ground against the largest hairy legged guy if she is armed and knows how to use it.

If she's given time to get to it, and if she is lucky.

There are lower murder rates, gun and otherwise, in gun-free countries and everybody know it.

Our rates of gun ownership and murder are both cited, correctly, as being among the highest in the developed world. The strength of the correlation is questionable, but face the fact that it exists. There would no doubt be fewer murders if all the guns were gone. Thank goodness for 2A.

Interestingly enough, the type of person who is scared of guns and would not allow one in their home would probably be totally comfortable around archery equipment. Even though being run through with a broad head can be just about as deadly as being shot, it does not make that loud scary noise therefore it does not elicit that strong primordial urge to avoid it.

Or maybe they just know the same thing that the military and the police know – that guns are much better for killing than is archery equipment.

It is critical that we, as gun owners promote shooting in a positive way as we are dealing with peoples deep seeded subconscious fears and the only way to conquer that fear is with knowledge.

Yes. Also that we face facts and then do all we can to reduce or eliminate unlawful or irresponsible gun misuse.

As far as anti to pro let them get robbed or the pookey scared out of them and they will be the first at the gun range...It's all about comfort zone.

This is probably true for a few, but really not the best way to win them over.

I think a lot of people are anti gun due to fear.

Ya think? Maybe fear of being shot by an idiot or a criminal? That’s a fear that, sadly, is well founded and relentlessly publicized.

Some people are naive and think that if we outlaw guns, then no one will have guns to rob stores... but criminals will always get their hands on guns regardless.

Hear this one a lot, too. "If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns". But it doesn’t really make sense, and most thinking people see that.

A outlaws will have guns, but not many and not for long. If guns were outlawed, eventually they'd become unavailable or too expensive for anybody to own. (I can hear it now – how much is too much to defend your life?)

It would take time, but eventually the supply would dry up. Try to buy a machine gun (legal or otherwise) these days – cheapest I’ve seen was north of $5000, and it was junk. A total ban would work. Eventually.

Unfortunately, many people buy this at face value. (England gun ban v. deaths). If you do a search, you will find that both England and Australia have had significant increases in all forms of gun violence since they have enacted their misguided laws.

But if we do just a little more research, we learn that even so their gun death rates are tiny compared to ours. The bottom line.

And so on. Flamesuit on. I’m on your side, but I want us to win, not just babble tired platitudes at each other. The antis and those indifferent are not stupid. Platitudes won’t win them over, but honesty and action just might.
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Hear this one a lot, too. "If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns". But it doesn’t really make sense, and most thinking people see that.

A outlaws will have guns, but not many and not for long. If guns were outlawed, eventually they'd become unavailable or too expensive for anybody to own. (I can hear it now – how much is too much to defend your life?)

It would take time, but eventually the supply would dry up. Try to buy a machine gun (legal or otherwise) these days – cheapest I’ve seen was north of $5000, and it was junk. A total ban would work. Eventually.

Huh? So if Prohibition had gone on another 10 or 20 years then alcohol would have gone away? Cocaine has been illegal for something like 40 years now, has the supply dried up yet? Guns are pretty much banned in Mexico, where ever did the cartel's weapons come from?

If you know of a place where it's legal for civilians to own frag grenades and HE M203 rounds without tons of NFA style paperwork, please enlighten me. I mean, obviously they used a straw purchaser in a gun store somewhere, right?

Personally, I don't really buy this theory that if handguns were banned that the murder rate would drop. I do buy the theory that if mary jane were legalized tomorrow and we started taking a good hard look at legalizing the harder drugs that the murder rate would drop. Not just here either, Mexico's too.

But hey, Mexico pretty much banned guns and their murder rate dropped, right? The only reason anyone is ever killed in Mexico these days is that the cartels are getting their SBRs, M203s, and frag grenades at guns stores in Texas ... one background check at a time. It's our fault!

Really, there's not much, if anything, you can do to reduce the unlawful use of guns through gun laws [or at least the CDC says so: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5214a2.htm]. With some serious reform of the parole system, tougher sentencing and parole eligibility requirements, and ending The War on Some Drugs, you just might get somewhere though.

On a sidenote, the VPC has said a couple times (sorry don't have a link at this time, it's in their archive somewhere, I'll find the exact page later) that they believe licensing, registration, and other such measures don't accomplish anything. Of course, they think a total ban would.

As far as this fear of getting shot or killed by a gun wielding attacker goes, you're statistically far more likely to get hit or killed by a drunk driver, especially if you don't have a criminal record and aren't a gang member.
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As far as the "England banned guns and now has less gun death", what exactly is their 'gun death' before and after their ban? For that matter, do they have some sort of crime stats as we do with the yearly FBI crime stats? I keep hearing people make claims both ways in respect to England having less gun death or having more violent crime now, but I haven't seen good solid citations.

Wasn't there also a scandal of sorts recently where it was discovered that their police had been underreporting crime in their AO?
I think that most of those that are anti gun are simply ignorant. They have no knowledge of firearms and are relying on the media for their information. If all you ever see is machineguns used for murder and gun owners are portrayed as drunks or gangsters then it will shape a negative opinion.
I had a family member that was apathetical about guns but he absolutely hated the NRA. He knew that they were unreasonable about everything but somehow couldn't name a single law or gun issue. He merely parrotted what was said on CNN and MSNBC.
The best thing that we gun owners can do is take a non gun owner shooting. Give them some good, low key instruction and remind them that these are the guns that the anti gunners want to ban.
Guess gbw does not know or understand Feudal in my intended context? Rephrase; Ancient Japan the Japan before guns. The Japan of long long ago. Maybe I misspelled the word or used it wrongly.

Read a book when I was overseas that was supposedly true. The Author (who was Thai) said the Thais during their flee and fight from Chinese rule killed 400,000 Chinese in a valley in Northern Laos. Their were only 35,000 Thai warriors.

Back a bit further Alexander the Great Did not have guns yet he seemed to do pretty well.

That was my rather weak point, sorry for not explaining myself better. Modern societies are really no different just the tools of the trade have changed with military's better equipped for death and mayhem followed closely behind by the bad guys who live in our cities and across our boarders.

Someone is determined to kill or control there are always means and ways.

In some statements there are many levels of understanding unless you are speaking to a child. They usually, not always, just get the first level; many anti gun people in their all consuming fear of guns are child like. It's a gun!! Bad gun!!.

When I was young, a gun was indeed a tool. It allowed me to put food on the table and keep varmints out of the live stock. Guns were not some mystical death ray. They threw a small lead rock at a high velocity and even provided a means to line everything up to hit my target! Certainly better than my personal rock throwing abilities but were just tools and not a big deal. Now for many guns are a big deal. Big deal with so many levels.

To exit the house and carry (honestly never entered my mine that I can remember) to protect myself from bad guys just was not in the cards; guess I grew up a sheltered life. I certainly knew if I accidentally shot some live stock or person my daddy was gonna get some kinda mad and if the shooting involved a person my life would be pretty much over too.

If there was a fight and (there were a few) no knives were drawn or rocks to the head. When your opponent said he gave up you let him go and threatened to beat his butt again for the same offense but usually ended up being friends. Times, I guess were different......for me....
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Happygeek well done

admitting that there is too much irresponsible / illegal gun use
facing the fact that misbehavior with guns is very severe, and probably tragic
working to encourage responsible, lawful gun ownership and to reduce irresponsible gun use

gbw I agree totally and believe the anti gun mob certainly agrees with the first two.

Their answer (to me) is to ban fire arms or regulate them out of existence. Make them "lawful" that is a sick joke..... How many unlawful guns kill people in this country and all over the world every year. I do not pretend to know and I doubt anyone else does. But hey, "Let's make a new law" that will get um!!!

Someone is gonna post a gun statistic which is good but there are also many missing persons that no one knows what happened to.....
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1. In your opinion, why are people against guns?

I believe that there are a lot of scared people out there that believe that guns really do kill people. There are also a lot of people that believe the government will protect them therefore they believe only the police should have guns.

2. Do you think that people can go from anti to pro-gun? How?

My wife went from anti to pro after shooting expert with the M16 in the corps.

3. If you have ever been anti-gun, what event in your life made you decide to be pro-gun?

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