New Here, Couple Questions

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Jan 27, 2010
I have just seen this part of forum for the first time (meaning knives) while trying to find a folder knife. Have been on a few other forums, never thought that there would be a knife forum area, even though now it makes sense.

I just bought two different folders, and will ask what is thought about them even though I am going to catch hell and a lot of laughs on what I just did buy, but still want to know what you in the know can tell me about what I did right (if anything) and what is wrong (after reading a bit of this forum will be volumes for me), but still want to know what the real deal is. And thanks in advance for any information, laughing, busting me, or just general advice on what I have done.

One thing, I wanted a pocket clip knife that would work in the LA county and a tanto knife for camping that might be longer than the LA laws allow. One that I bought is Kershaw Knife Storm 1470ST Ken Onion 1470 ST and the other is Winchester 22-41437 Ranger Enclose Tanto Knife, Serrated Edge. I am not thinking to use either one as a duty knife, just a handy item.

Welcome Aboard

I don't have any data on what LA's knife laws, but it shouldn't be too hard to find.

The Kershaw sounds good. I have a number of their pieces and the quality has always been good.

I can't speak to the Winchester. No data. Where is that model made?

First, "tantos" (a marketing term for the most part instead of being historically accurate) limit the utility of a knife. They can be a challenge to sharpen.

Second, whether you made a good purchase depends upon what you use the knives for. Without a description of their daily use we can't tell you if you made a good purchase.

Third, nothing wrong with the Kershaw. Good steel, more of a "hunting" blade design with that upswept tip than a general utility. The Enclose looks like it's made by Gerber for Wichester. 440A is a lower quality steel with mediocre edge holding ability. Typically used on cheaper knives.
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