New Here with a problem -- Marlin 60 Extraction

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Jun 4, 2012
Hey guys, my Name is Quintin Aune, I hail from Missoula, Montana.

Now that introductions are done with haha, I have a problem with my Marlin Model 60 that has been in my hands since I could load it. Now that im 20 and still a very active gun person. I still shoot this a lot, however as of late it seems more often than not, I am pulling a shell out of the barrel and fighting with this thing. It will not extract a cartriage no matter what and its driving me quite nuts.
Extractors are cheap and fairly easy to fix - first thing's first, field strip the gun and look at the extractor clips to each side of the breech face - are they fouled? If so, clean out fouling with an old toothbrush and some hoppes then test fire.

If they're not fouled, they may be loose or worn. If this is the case, the simplest thing to do is go to numrich ( and order new extractors to install.

If you're uncomfortable making those kinds of repairs, I'm sure a local gunsmith or fellow THR member can help you out (a gunsmith will probably charge you, but it shouldn't be an outrageous fee for a very simple job)
Most likely extractors but see if there's any burrs or firing pin peening on the chamber face. A fired cartridge case will expand over a burr making extraction difficult.
How often do you clean it?

Check the extractor grooves, the bolt face/extractors, and the chamber; clean them all regularly.

If you have good cleanliness habits, you might have a broken extractor or two. Not too difficult to fix, and probably not too expensive to have fixed for you if you don't feel comfortable doing it.
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