New Hunting Magazine Goes Live!

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Dec 4, 2009
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HuntX3, the world’s first fully truly multi-media, digital magazine for hunting and outdoor life has arrived! Featuring in-depth articles about bow and gun hunts from around the world as told by some of the most successful hunters of the modern day, gear and equipment spotlights and full reviews, HuntX3 goes far beyond the standard hunting magazine by providing readers with a truly interactive multi-media experience! Rather than simply reading a story about an epic Alaskan moose hunt, an intense buffalo hunt in the Australian outback or an African Wildebeest adventure, simply click a button and listen to the story as it’s read aloud, then watch videos highlighting the experience of the hunters as they lived it! No paper magazine can deliver this level of involvement in the world of hunting and the only way to get any closer is to call an outfitter and book a trip of your own! Best of all, say goodbye to subscription fees or paying newsstand prices because every digital issue of HuntX3 Magazine, delivered online monthly, is absolutely, positively free!

To read the very first issue of HuntX3 Magazine, absolutely free, and to enjoy or hunting and outdoor life news and information website, simply visit and read the first hunting magazine designed for the hunters of the 21st century!

Thanks for reading!
Impressive, thanks for posting, plus thanks ART for allowing.
I tried reading it, but the page turning noise was driving me nuts and I couldn't find a control to turn the sound off. Yes, I know I could turn off my speakers, but then I couldn't listen to music at the same time. I think I made it about 11 pages in before I gave up.
I tried reading it, but the page turning noise was driving me nuts and I couldn't find a control to turn the sound off.

I also didn't care for that at all. Also, it seemed like the pages were "hard" to turn successfully. I would think it would be turned, but then when I moved the cursor, the page would turn back. Maybe that was my equipment, maybe that was me, or maybe it was the site, but either way, I didn't like it - enough to stop reading it.

It looks pretty well done from what I saw though.

Glad to see it's free - I might check it out in the future, but I wouldn't pay for a digital subscription (to anything, not just your mag.)

Good luck.
The page turning mechanic wasn't so bad once I figured out you could click on the page numbers at the top instead of dragging the page. My only complaint was that noise.
I did notice that you could click on the numbers, and while I appreciate that and will use it in the future, the fact that the "pull the page over" feature doesn't work like I feel it should bothers me.
Sorry to hear you guys didn't like the page turning noise! However, I CAN talk to my web people to see if maybe we can add a button to disable the noise? How's that for customer service?

Thanks for everyone who stopped by, checked out the thread and especially to everyone who took the time to head over and see our new magazine. We've worked very hard to bring something special to the table and I appreciate everyone's feedback, positive OR negative.

I also want to thank for allowing me to post here and reach so many great people! I very much appreciate that!

One other thing while I have everyone reading...don't forget we ARE still looking for writers, stories, photographs and video! If you've got a story to tell, if you've been on a hunt you'd love to tell the world about, or if you have a picture you'd like the world to see (even if it's just you with your latest animal), by all means get in touch with us! We'd love to hear from you and I can get people writer's guidelines and go from there!

Thanks again to everyone! I hope you're all having a blessed Holiday season.

i like the google earth article but the page sound was annoying.

you may want to think about adding a simple next button at the top and bottom of the page as well as keeping the number up top
Good news everyone! I just talked to the ownership and it looks like we're about to start work on taking the "page flipping" sound out. :)

You talk, we listen. That's how it works.

Cool. I'll check it out again.

Now then, I'd like to read an article about pheasant hunting on public land in NE Iowa.:D
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